gastrointestinal and renal core conditions

This class was created by Brainscape user An Nakamura. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Gallbladder - Cholelithiasis, Cholecystitis, Choledocholithiasis, Cholangitis, PBS, PSC
Cholelithiasis presentation patho...,
Cholecystitis presentation pathop...,
Describe normal bilirubin metabol...
10  cards
Liver - ALD, NAFLD, Hepatitis, Haemochromatosis, Wilsons disease, Ascities
Tests in a liver screen,
Nafld and ald presentation invest...,
Hep a e transmission type of infe...
15  cards
Pancreas - Acute and Chronic pancreatitis, Cancer
Acute pancreatitis pathophysiolog...,
Acute pancreatitis presentation,
Acute pancreatitis investigations
9  cards
Esophagus and Stomach - Peptic ulcer, Gastritis, Hiatus hernia, Pernicious anemia, GERD, Cancer, Achalasia. Pharyngeal pouch
Peptic ulcer disease uncomplicate...,
Peptic ulcer disease acute bleedi...,
Pernicious anemia pathophysiology...
12  cards
UGI Bleeds - Bleeding/perforated peptic ulcer, Mallory-Weiss, Boerhaave, Esophageal varices
Peptic ulcer disease acute bleedi...,
Perforated peptic ulcer pathophys...,
Mallory weiss tear pathophysiolog...
7  cards
LGI Autoimmune - Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns disease, Coeliac disease
Ulcerative colitis vs crohns epid...,
Uc vs cd presentation,
Crohns pathophysiology
14  cards
GI infections - CDiff, Diverticulitis, Gastroenteritis, Mesenteric adenitis
Cdiff pathophysiology risk factor...,
Diverticulosis diverticular disea...,
Infectious gastroenteritis causat...
4  cards
LGI Emergencies - Bowel Obstruction, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Mesenteric ischemia, Necrotising enterocolitis, Bowel cancer
Bowel obstruction,
Small and large bowel obstruction...,
Large bowel obstruction most comm...
13  cards
Nutrition - B12, Folate
B12 causes of deficiency,
B12 deficiency presentation,
B12 investigations
5  cards
Constipation, Hemorrhoids, IBS
Constipation possible causes,
Haemorrhoids pathophysiology risk...,
Irritable bowel syndrome pathophy...
3  cards
Kidneys: AKI, CKD
What are the 6 main functions of ...,
Describe the 3 stages of akis ser...,
What are some causes of prerenal ...
20  cards
Kidneys: Dialysis and Transplantation
How would you use renal replaceme...,
Indications for dialysis,
What does dialysis do
12  cards
Kidney: UTI, Pyelonephritis, Glomerulonephritides
Classification of utis,
Uti risk factors,
Causative organisms for utis
21  cards
Kidney: Na, K Imbalance, Fluid Balance
Initial assessment of fluid requi...,
Management of fluid resuscitation,
If fluid resus no longer needed h...
15  cards
Kidney - Stones
Risk factors for stone formation,
What is lithotripsy
4  cards
Bladder: Urinary Incontinence, Retention
Risk factors for urinary incontin...,
Types of incontinence,
Initial investigations for incont...
11  cards
Bladder: Cancer
Bladder cancer risk factors types,
Bladder cancerpresentation,
Bladder cancer2ww criteria
5  cards
Urology: BPH, Prostate cancer
Bph risk factors presentation,
Bph investigations,
Bph management
9  cards
Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis
Anion gap equation normal anion gap,
Causes of metabolic acidosis with...,
Causes of metabolic acidosis with...
4  cards
Inguinal hernias presentation typ...,
Strangulated vs incarcerated pres...
2  cards

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gastrointestinal and renal core conditions

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