This class was created by Brainscape user Comfort Oluwakoya. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

1b Upper GI Tract
Where does the oesophagus run fro...,
What type of muscle does each thi...,
Describe the change in epithelium...
112  cards
1b Appetite
What are the three things which s...,
Which of the three stimuli for th...,
Which hormone is the main regulat...
57  cards
1b Disorders of Upper GI Tract
What radiographic sign might you ...,
What investigation should be done...,
How is a duodenual peptic ulcer m...
8  cards
1b Abdominal Pain
Pain in the right hypochondriac r...,
Pain in the right epigastric regi...,
Pain in the left hypochondriac re...
40  cards
1b Immunology of the Gut
Describe the antigen load in the gut,
What are the four major phyla of ...,
List the chemical digestive facto...
57  cards
1b Disorders of Appetite
What is the definition of polydipsia,
What is the definition of adipsia,
What is anorexia
10  cards
1b Gastrointestinal Infections
Rapid onset watery diarrhoea for ...,
What investigations should be don...,
What is the management plan for a...
28  cards
1b Malnutrition and Nutrition Intervention In the Hospitalised Adult
What is meant by malnutrition,
Which demographic is malnutrition...,
Which groups are at the highest r...
43  cards
1b GI Cancer
What is a cancer,
What is the difference between pr...,
What are cancers from squamous ep...
107  cards
1b General Surgery in the GI Tract
What is the presentation of bowel...,
What are the main risk factors fo...,
Which part of the bowel does acut...
80  cards
1b Surgical Management in the GI Tract
Pain dehydrated dry tongue disten...,
What are the two most common sign...,
What are key signs which would su...
20  cards
gastrointestinal cancers
What is cancer,
What is primary cancer,
What is a secondary cancer
70  cards

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gastroenterology phase 1b

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