This class was created by Brainscape user Chen Yiming. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Drugs for peptic ulcer disease
Rank potency of gastric drugs fro...,
Types of antacids,
Antacids moa
40  cards
Drugs for nausea and vomiting
Antiemetics examples,
Cause of,
Most suitable drugs for low risk ...
38  cards
Drugs for constipation
List seven major groups of drugs ...,
Name examples of bulk forming lax...,
Bulk forming laxatives moa
28  cards
Drugs for diarrhea
Types of acute diarrhea drugs 4,
Opioid agonist examples,
Opioid agonist moa
27  cards
Stomach Physio
Types of muscles in gi 2,
What controls contraction of smoo...,
What are the characteristics of a...
56  cards
Pancreas & liver physio
Functional division of pancreas 2,
What does the exocrine pancreas s...,
What does the endocrine pancreas ...
30  cards
Intestines physio
Major ions secreted in small inte...,
Where are the ions secreted in sm...,
How does cl secretion occur lead ...
62  cards
Liver physio
Functions of liver,
What do liver metabolise,
Uses of energy produced by liver
24  cards
Upper GI patho
Epithelial tumour of salivary gla...,
Epithelial tumours of oral cavity...,
Epithelial tumour of stomach smal...
61  cards
Stomach patho
What is stress related mucosal in...,
Congenital pyloric stenosis prese...,
Congenital pyloric stenosis morph...
39  cards
GIT neoplasia patho
What is a polyp,
Difference between pedunculated a...,
Benign polyps
31  cards
neoplasms of biliary tract & liver
What is cholestasis,
Presentation of cholestasis,
Types of jaundice
46  cards
git patho v bare bones
Most common benign neoplasm of or...,
Most common malignant neoplasm of...,
What is sialolithiasis
126  cards
biochem - carbohydrate metabolism
Functions of glycolysis 3,
Location of glycolysis,
How is hexokinase activity regulated
80  cards
biochem - lipid metabolism
Functions of lipids,
Why do fas have even number of ca...,
Essential fatty acids in the body
80  cards
biochem - protein metabolism
What is cystinuria,
What happens to components of ami...,
What is cystinuria
82  cards
integration of metabolism
Entrance of hormones polypeptide ...,
What is metabolic homeostasis hor...,
Synthesis of insulin
63  cards
Presentation of acute diabetes,
Presentation of chronic diabetes,
How are insulin and glucagon secr...
24  cards
liver detox
Phase 1 detox enzymes,
Where is cyps found,
Reactions catalysed by cyp450
15  cards
metab pharmaco
Moa of allopurinol
1  cards

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