This class was created by Brainscape user Nancy Gable. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Alpine climate,
74  cards
What type of bottle is commonly u...,
What is the aoc for sparkling win...,
Alsace became a part of germany i...
65  cards
What was charles rouget s contrib...,
What does the term sous voile sig...,
What is the largest jura aoc by v...
56  cards
What grape variety is most associ...,
What is a synonym for roussane in...,
What are the two most important r...
38  cards
What are the seven levels of swee...,
How many standard bottles of wine...,
How many standard bottles of wine...
76  cards
What are the primary grapes of th...,
What defines terres blanches,
Savennieres is best known for
90  cards
For every 250 foot increase in el...,
What is the primary grape of the ...,
What cote de nuits village is kno...
64  cards
What is arrene or gorrhe,
What beaujolais cru is the larges...,
What river flows to the east of b...
32  cards
What defines cru bourgeois,
What estate is the only premier c...,
Bordeaux s first vineyards were p...
44  cards
Who invented the micro oxygenatio...,
What southwest growing area lies ...,
Braucol mansoi and pinenc are all...
38  cards
What three northern rhone crus pe...,
What is the northernmost cru in t...
60  cards
What grapes are allowed in cotes ...,
What is vin cuit,
What provence aoc produces mainly...
33  cards
What is the most widely planted w...,
Sangiovese is known as _________i...,
Nieulluccio is a synonym for what...
31  cards
Is muscat de rivesaltes vdn usual...,
What are the crus of the cotes du...,
What are roussillon s most import...
28  cards
What is the oldest sparking wine ...,
What is the methode ancestrale of...,
How was the impact of phylloxera ...
35  cards

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