fundamentals of ophthalmology

This class was created by Brainscape user Paras Agarwal. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Which bone in the orbit houses th...,
Why do patients with retrobulbar ...
94  cards
Ocular Development
Which 2 layers does the eye devel...,
What is gastrulation,
What are neural crest cells
21  cards
Define genetics,
Define epigenetics,
Define alternate splicing
42  cards
Clinical Genetics
Important chromosomal abnormaliti...,
What is a dominant gene,
What is a recessive gene
65  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Tear Film
Function of precorneal tear film,
Components of precorneal tear film,
Normal tear lake
25  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Cornea
How is corneal avascularity maint...,
Where do corneal stem cells exist,
How does cornea get its oxygen su...
26  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Aqueous Humor, Iris, and Ciliary Body
Where is aqueous humor secreted from,
Composition of aqueous humour,
Function of ascorbate
26  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Lens
What is the lens index of refraction,
How much do proteins constitute o...,
How does the lens generate atp
24  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Vitreous
What volume of the eye does vitre...,
What is vitreous liquefaction ass...,
Why does pars plana vitrectomy ac...
28  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- Retina
What tissue has the highest oxyge...,
What is the process which convert...,
How does the rpe and neurosensory...
53  cards
Biochemistry and Metabolism- RPE
What is the function of the rpe,
What does mutation of gene rpe65 ...,
What is autophagy
40  cards
Reactive Oxidation Species and Antioxidants
What antioxidant does the lens us...,
What vision threatening diseases ...,
What study confirmed the role of ...
37  cards
Pharmacologic principles
Are lipophilic or hydrophilic com...,
Define bioavailability,
Define biologic agent
36  cards
Ocular Pharmacotherapeutics
What drugs administered intracame...,
Which drug is shown to have signi...,
Effect of proparacaine on the cornea
181  cards
Principles of Radiology for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
When is ct a good imaging modalit...,
When is mri useful,
What is the relationship between ...
33  cards
The Eye
What anchors the basal corneal ep...,
What is the blood ocular barrier ...,
Anteroposterior diameter of the eye
146  cards
Cranial Nerves: Central and Peripheral connections
What proportion of optic nerve fi...,
Which cn3 subnuclei provides ipsi...,
Do so eom fibres cross over after...
110  cards

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fundamentals of ophthalmology

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