fundamental neurobiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Rika Oshima. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

ch1 studying the nervous system
Genetic anaylsis,
68  cards
Atoms are made of,
Properties of conductors,
Properties of insulators
13  cards
membrane potential
Resting membrane potential,
Receptor potentials,
Synaptic potentials
20  cards
action potentials
Voltage clamp method
14  cards
channels and transporters
Patch clamp,
What triggers channel opening,
The response characteristics of a...
10  cards
synaptic transmissions
Two main types of synapses,
Excitatory synapses often show,
Inhibitory synapses often show
29  cards
Overview of direct synaptic trans...,
3 features of transmitters,
Dale s principle
35  cards
molecular signaling within neurons
3 forms of chemical signaling,
Synaptic signaling,
Paracrine signaling
21  cards
synaptic plasticity
Synaptic plasticity,
Two classes of synaptic plasticity,
Synaptic facilitation
18  cards
construction of neural circuits
Ventricular zone,
Neural stem cell,
Progenitor cell
20  cards
somatosensory and pain
3 subsystems of somatosensory info,
Cutaneous receptors,
How deformation of the skin can l...
32  cards
eye/visual pathway
3 functions of pigment epithelium,
Structure of rods and cons,
Visual pigments
54  cards
auditory and vestibular systems
4 properties of waves,
27  cards
chemosensory systems
3 chemical senses,
Pathway of olfaction
21  cards
motor control
Upper motor system cerebral,
Lower motor system spinal,
Lower motor neurons
20  cards
basal ganglia
General role of basal ganglia,
Important functions of bg
5  cards

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fundamental neurobiology

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