This class was created by Brainscape user MarianFrenchesca Asistin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Learning to deliver care with com...,
Based on body of knowledge and ev...,
The patient is the center of the ...
14  cards
Nursing as a science
In the philippines it is termed,
In the us it is termed as,
Types of health care services bas...
31  cards
Nursing as an art
Is a universal phenomenon influen...,
Evaluates patient s perception of...,
Person to person encounter convey...
17  cards
Mam Enrique
Identifies leading health indicat...,
State of complete physical mental...,
Actualization of inherent and acq...
42  cards
Module 3 nursing process
Process of international higher l...,
Cognitive process that uses think...,
Conclusion about a patient s need...
40  cards
Statement or conclusion regarding...,
Contains a diagnostic phrase foll...,
Identification of a disease condi...
17  cards
A single temporary event that con...,
Also called focal involve electri...,
Seizures affect the whole brain
9  cards
Collective vegetation in a given ...,
Microbial species that can be cul...,
Growth of mo s in body tissue whe...
44  cards
Study of drugs and their interact...,
Any chemical that can affect livi...,
Substances administered for the d...
53  cards
Med ad 2 aa
Hi bhie tinamad kang gawin to nga...,
2  cards
Sum of all interactions between a...,
Organic and inorganic substances ...,
The nutrien content of a specifie...
61  cards
Bowel and bladder
1  cards

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