functional safety

This class was created by Brainscape user Jalal Elwazze. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Module 2 - Process Safety and Functional Safety
What is safety,
What is the difference between oh...,
What is a hazard
12  cards
Module 3 - IEC 61508 and IEC 61511
When should you use iec 61508 ins...,
For a sil 4 application which fun...,
When is it a legal requirement to...
20  cards
Module 4 - Hazard and Risk Assessment + Allocation of Protection Layers
What is the purpose of a hazard a...,
What are the three key phases of ...,
What are two techniques to perfor...
17  cards
Module 5 - SIL Determination
What are the three main sil deter...,
How do you operate a risk graph,
What are three advantages of risk...
12  cards
Module 6 - SRS Documentation
What is the purpose of sis docume...,
What is the role of document mana...,
What is the role of the srs
6  cards
Module 7 - Faults and Failures
What is a fault,
What is a failure,
What is random hardware failure
6  cards
Module 8 - Random Failure Measures
What is reliability,
What is availability,
What is maintainability
24  cards
Module 9 - Redundancy
What is redundancy,
Explain hardware fault tolerance ...,
In a 1oo2 architecture how many d...
24  cards
Module 10 - Selecting SIF components
What key pieces of information ca...,
What are some advantages and disa...,
What evidence must be provided to...
5  cards
Module 11 - Logic Solvers
What are the 4 types of logic sol...,
What is a safety configured plc,
Is it worth using an ordinary plc...
9  cards
Module 12 - SIF Design and SIL verification
What are the two methods iec 6151...,
What is a type a device vs a type...,
How do you calculate pfdavg for a...
6  cards
Module 13 - Minimising Engineering Errors
What is human error,
What is verification,
What is validation
6  cards
Module 14 - Application Software
What are the three types of software,
What are the three language types,
When must you use iec 61508 for y...
4  cards
Module 15 - Operations, Maintenance, Modification
What is the operators responsibil...,
What is the operators responsibil...,
What must operators be trained in...
9  cards
Module 16 - Functional Safety Management
What is functional safety management,
What are the competence requireme...,
What is a functional safety asses...
4  cards

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functional safety

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