This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Love. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Elimination Prints
What are elimination prints,
Who are they taken from 4,
Are individuals required to provi...
15  cards
Criminal Prints
What governs the collection of cr...,
What are the three requirements u...,
When are criminal prints collected
9  cards
Basic Camera Operations
Outline the general 5 steps of ho...,
How does the ccd work,
What is a bayer filter what does ...
9  cards
Photography - Getting Started
What is swigit,
What is the goal of sw,
Give examples of unacceptable mea...
41  cards
Introduction to Photography
What is focal length,
What is focal length measured in,
What does focal length affect 3
32  cards
Crime Scene Photography
What is the first step in recordi...,
Why is crime scene photography im...,
What is the first photo a crime s...
14  cards
Note Taking
Describe the who component of not...,
When should notes be taken,
Why is note taking important 3
12  cards
Fingerprint Identification
What are current applications of ...,
Define ridgeology,
Who was sir william herschel
87  cards
Fingerprint Identification Part 2
What are the two possible sources...,
What are the two types of natural...,
Where are eccrine glands found
28  cards
Crime Scene Impressions
What are the 5 types of crime sce...,
What are the most common type of ...,
What are deposit impressions
9  cards
Developing Fingerprint Impressions
What are the 5 steps to collectin...,
Describe the development location...,
Describe the labelling stage of f...
22  cards
Alternate Light Sources
What are alternate light sources,
Describe the relationship between...,
What type of light is considered ...
25  cards
Presumptive Testing
What do presumptive blood tests r...,
What do presumptive blood tests r...,
Give some examples of presumptive...
20  cards
Physical Evidence - Collection and Analysis
What is evidence,
Why is evidence important 3,
What are the 7 types of physical ...
54  cards
Crime Scene Processing - The Players
Define crime,
Define crime scene,
Are all scenes crime scenes
47  cards
Suspect and Victim Processing
Outline the order of examination,
What should be considered before ...,
Where could processing take place
25  cards
Crime Vehicle Processing
If a vehicle is abandoned on or n...,
If a vehicle is used in a vehicle...,
When is a vehicle able to be seiz...
36  cards
Testifying in Court
List the individuals that may be ...,
How are preliminary hearings diff...,
What is a preliminary hearing
22  cards

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