french revolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Daniel Claydon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (8)

The experiment in constitutional monarchy, 1789-1792 - NEEDED FOR EXAM
The sans-culottes and the collapse of the constitutional experiment Chapter 8 Waller Have a mindmap of
79  cards
Needed for A-Level Exam The spread of the Terror: executions, the influence of Robespierre and the sans culottes; the role of the CPS; Robespierre's fall and the collapse of the Terror Chapter 11 into Chapter 12 - Waller Have a mindmap
83  cards
The Terror (pt2 continued from "The Terror" deck) - NEEDED FOR EXAM
Needed for A-Level exam - includes info about the Thermidorian reaction but goes up to 1795
12  cards
The impact of Napoleon's rule on France - 1799-1815 NEEDED FOR EXAM
Political change: Napoleon's consolidation of power and establishment of Emperor status; constitutional developments Have a mindmap for
76  cards
The impact of Napoleon's rule on France - 1799-1815 - NEEDED FOR EXAM
Social change: class distinctions and titles; education and attitude to women; censorship and propaganda; the position of the Church; the Concordat and its aftermath Have a mindmap on
111  cards
The impact of Napoleon's rule on France - 1799-1815 - NEEDED FOR EXAM COPY
Legal and administrative change: the Napoleonic codes; the prefects, police and control Have a mindmap on
76  cards
The impact of Napoleon's rule on France - 1799-1815 - NEEDED FOR EXAM COPY COPY
Financial and economic policies and problems: taxation; the central economy; the impact of war and the Continental System; degree of economic change Have a mindmap on
66  cards
The impact of Napoleon's rule on France - 1799-1815 - NEEDED FOR EXAM COPY COPY COPY
The collapse of the Empire; the first Peace of Paris; the 100 days; Napoleon's abdication and second Peace of Paris; treatment of France by the Vienna settlement; the condition of France in 1815; Napoleon's reputation and legacy Have a mindmap on
121  cards

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french revolution

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