This class was created by Brainscape user Tawera Wharetohunga. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Hlab1502 ass with what drug,
What antiepileptic effects the coc,
What is the moa of levetiracetam
64  cards
What part of the cell cycle does ...,
What drugs are vin alkaloids,
What cytotoxics are epipodophtlot...
76  cards
What are the ct findings of bronc...,
What is the mrc breathlessness score,
How do you manage bronchiectasis
111  cards
What il does anakinra block,
What il does sekukinumab block,
How do toll like receptors induce...
47  cards
What s the pattern of inherited o...,
What are the 4t s in hit pretest ...,
What test for the extrinsic pathway
145  cards
What are the imaging findings for...
1  cards
What is a phase 1 clinical trial,
What is a phase 2 clinical trial,
What is a phase 3 clinical trial
60  cards
What is haploinsufficiency,
What is dominant negative,
What is a gain of function protein
24  cards
What mosquito spreads malaria,
What do positive thick and thin f...,
What does the malaria rapid antig...
150  cards
What is the active metabolite of ...,
What does high 6 tgn high 6mmp me...,
What does low 6 tgn and high 6mmp...
52  cards
Why do you give av node blockers ...,
What is target hr in majority of ...,
When is af ablation indicated
113  cards
What condition associated with tu...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What tumours are associated with ...
105  cards
What antibodies cause neonatal ch...,
What is anti la ass with,
What is the most specific antibod...
64  cards
Eponomous syndromes
Gitlemans syndrome,
What is bechets disease,
What is gerstman syndrome
3  cards
Where does adh act,
What happens when adh is released,
What is tolvaptan
32  cards

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fracp exam

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