forensic psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Poppy Harris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Offender Profiling: The Top-down Approach
What is offender profiling,
What is the top down approach to ...,
Who described the sequence of the...
15  cards
Offender Profiling: The Bottom-Up Approach
What is the bottom up approach to...,
What is investigative psychology,
What is interpersonal coherence
15  cards
Biological Explanations Of Criminal Behaviour - Atavistic Form
What is an atavism,
What is the idea of lombroso s th...,
According to lombroso what are 3 ...
9  cards
Biological Explanations Of Criminal Behaviour - Genetics
What do genetic explanations for ...,
Describe christiansen s 1977 twin...,
12  cards
Psychological Explanations Of Offending Behaviour: Eysenck’s Theory
What is eysenck s theory of perso...,
What are the 3 key personality tr...,
What are the traits of an extrove...
19  cards
Psychological Explanations Of Offending Behaviour: Kohlberg’s Cognitive Explanation
What did kohlberg propose,
How did kohlberg create his level...,
How many levels and stages are in...
22  cards
Psychological Explanations Of Offending Behaviour: Cognitive Distortions
What does the cognitive distortio...,
What is hostile attribution bias,
How does schonenberg and justye 2...
9  cards
Psychological Explanations Of Offending Behaviour: Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory
What did sutherland 1939 propose,
What does the differential associ...,
What did sutherland think
10  cards
Psychological Explanations Of Offending Behaviour: Psychodynamic Explanation
How does the psychodynamic explan...,
What is the superego,
According to blackburn what are t...
7  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Custodial Sentencing
What is custodial sentencing,
What are 4 different aims of cust...,
What is retribution
11  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour: The Psychological Effects of Custodial Sentencing
What are the 3 psychological effe...,
Describe how custodial sentencing...,
What is institutionalism in relat...
11  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Recidivism
What is recidivism,
Why is institutionalisation a pos...,
Why are mental health and addicti...
4  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Behaviour Modification in Custody
What is behaviour modification ba...,
What is a token economy,
What are the primary and secondar...
12  cards
Dealing With Offending Behaviour: Anger Management
What is the aim of anger management,
What do anger management programm...,
Why do anger management programme...
9  cards

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forensic psychology

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