This class was created by Brainscape user freddie baker. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

5 core principles of the financia...,
What is direct finance,
What is indirect finance
39  cards
Behavioural W1
How is behavioural economics diff...,
Are behavioural and experimental ...,
What does control mean in an expe...
16  cards
What is risk,
What is the expected value,
What is a risk free asset
19  cards
What is the yield curve,
What is the pure expectations theory,
What would happen if economic new...
24  cards
Behavioural W3
What is the difference between ri...,
Prospect definition,
What does expected value assume
20  cards
Rate of return formula,
What is the emh,
What are the 3 definitions of emh
27  cards
China-US Trade War
Explain background between china ...,
What happened when trump was init...,
What are the 6 stages of the trad...
13  cards
History of China
1700 1046bc,
221 206bc,
960 1279
10  cards
What are the functions of foreign...,
What is a fixed exchange rate giv...,
What is a freely floating exchang...
18  cards
Behavioural W5
What is the standard self interes...,
Show independence,
What are the violations of the in...
22  cards
What are the three types of inter...,
What is the difference between co...,
What is interest rate parity irp
17  cards
Behavioural W4
What does the completeness axiom ...,
What does the transitivity axiom ...,
What does the continuity axiom sa...
15  cards
Behavioural W5
What is the standard self interes...,
What does the ultimatum game cons...,
What does the dictator game consi...
11  cards
Behavioural W7
Why are economists interested in ...,
Under normative intertemporal cho...,
Under normative intertemporal cho...
17  cards
Behavioural W8
Give a definition of heuristics,
Give a definition of cognitive bias,
What is representativeness and th...
4  cards

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