This class was created by Brainscape user Emily Hilditch. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Name the main techniques of massage,
What is the chemical effect of ef...,
What is the mechanical effect of ...
19  cards
What is a trigger point,
What are potential cuases of a tr...,
What are the different types of t...
20  cards
Thoarcic Arteries/Veins
(lungs, veins, arteries etc)
25  cards
The Heart
Name the 4 main chambers of the h...,
What are the valves that alow blo...,
Wher is the tricuspid valve
10  cards
Thoracic and Lumbar Muscles
O i a internal oblique,
O i a external oblique,
O i a rectus abdominus
18  cards
Thoracic Spine
What is the function of the thora...,
Name the 3 regions of the thorax,
Where is the
25  cards
Cervical Spine
What does each vertebra have on e...,
What type of joint is the atlanto...,
What makes up the atlanto axial j...
20  cards
Neuro Anatomy
What is a myotome,
What is a dermatome,
Where are peripheral nerves found
37  cards
What are the 3 main benefits of a...,
What is the benefits of increasin...,
What is the benefits of increasin...
11  cards
Lumbar Spine
What is the rom for lumbar extension,
What is the rom for lumbar flexion,
What are the features of the lumb...
17  cards
Cervical Neuro
What is the brachial plexus,
What is the brachial plexus forme...,
Where can the brachial plexus be ...
21  cards
Cervical Muscles
O i a of sternocleidomastoid,
O i a of anterior scalene,
O i a of middle scalene
7  cards
Cervical Supplementary Questions
What are the stabilisation,
What are the stabilisation featur...,
What are the stabilisation featur...
11  cards
Thoracic Suplementary Q's
What are the stabilising features...,
What is the end feel for thoracic...,
Which structures limit normal mov...
3  cards
Lumbar neuro
What makes up the lumbar plexus,
What nerves does the lumbar plexu...,
What muscle is the lumbar plexus ...
6  cards

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