This class was created by Brainscape user Laurie Stiles. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Fire Service & Firefighter Safety
What does ahj stand for,
What is the mission of fire services,
What is the all hazard concept
70  cards
Building Construction
What are the two main model build...,
What are the advantages of a type...,
What is type ii construction
46  cards
Firefighter PPE
What standard sets requirements f...,
List all the items included in fi...,
What is the proper way to wear ppe
59  cards
Ropes and Knots
What is life safety rope,
What is the life span for life sa...,
What kind of rope is the only one...
27  cards
Fire Dynamics
Why is it important for firefight...,
True of false all fires involve a...,
What is the most common oxidizer
108  cards
Forcible Entry
When should firefighters use forc...,
Forcible entry is mainly used on ...,
True or false a forcible entry ca...
60  cards
Portable Fire Extinguishers
When is the only time that portab...,
How are fire extinguishers classi...,
What are the five fire extinguish...
30  cards
Structural Search and Rescue
What three skills are critical fo...,
True or false you need to report ...,
What is air management
67  cards
What are the two catagories of te...,
What information should be gather...,
Are you allwoed to send personal ...
12  cards
Ground Ladders
What are the four types of ladder...,
What are all possible elements of...,
What are the components of an ext...
50  cards
Tactical Ventilation
What is tactical ventilation,
What does it mean to be in contro...,
At what temperature does the face...
47  cards
Fire Hose
What are the two main types of fi...,
How is the hose diameter measured,
How long are lengths of fire hose
43  cards
Hose Operations and Hose Streams
What is the difference between a ...,
What factors can limit the availa...,
Which of the following is not all...
66  cards
Overhaul, Property Conservation & Scene Preservation
What is loss control,
What is overhaul,
What is overhaul
14  cards
Fire Suppression
What are the 4 methods firefighte...,
What is temperature reduction,
What is the most effective method...
31  cards

More about
fire fighter i

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Laurie Stiles's Fire Fighter I flashcards for their University of Pennsylvania class now!

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Looking for something else?

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Decks: Basic Core Skills, Commands, Hoses And Branches, And more!
Firefighter Procedures
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Decks: Command Control Procedures, Ventilation, Managing Members In Distress, And more!
FireFighting Procedures
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Decks: Ladders 3, Ladders 1, Collapse Operations, And more!
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