finals (all high yield study decks)

This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Armstrong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

All of the genetic conditions cov...,
What is the inheritance pattern f...,
What is the inheritance pattern f...
28  cards
What does it mean if coomb s test...,
In which conditions would you see...,
What is a schistocyte
42  cards
What type of hypersensitivity is ...,
What type of hypersensitivity is ...,
What type of hypersensitivity is ...
12  cards
At what age should a baby smile,
At what age should a baby be able...,
At what age should a baby have pi...
80  cards
When can a power of attorney be p...,
When is a power of attorney activ...,
When is a guardianship order used
89  cards
Obs, Gynae & sexual health
Describe the process of oocyte ma...,
Describe the process of sperm dev...,
How many days does it take to pro...
162  cards
Which muscles are used during ins...,
Is expiration active or passive a...,
Which muscles are used in forced ...
125  cards
Describe the asa criteria,
Name the three antihypertensive m...,
What are the three components of ...
14  cards
Learn which antibiotics are used to treat each type of infection
28  cards
What is preload,
What is after load,
How is cardiac output calculated
148  cards
Neurology & Neurosurgery
Name the cells that produce myeli...,
Where in the brain is a brocas ar...,
What is the function of a brocas ...
230  cards
Which cells in the stomach produc...,
Name the two nerve plexuses that ...,
Which cells in the stomach produc...
223  cards

More about
finals (all high yield study decks)

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Niamh Armstrong's FINALS (all high yield study decks) flashcards for their University of Aberdeen class now!

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Brainscape's adaptive web mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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