fess' flashcards: 5th year

This class was created by Brainscape user luke fessey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Path - Chemical Pathology
What is the general underlying pa...,
Which of the following is not a f...,
Which option is a cause of hypona...
93  cards
Path - Haematology
Infection with which virus is ass...,
A 45 year old male presents to hi...,
A 29 year old woman presents with...
83  cards
Path - Histopathology
Which of the following is true of...,
Which of the following conditions...,
Where does damage occur in pemphi...
87  cards
Path - Immunology
Investigations show ana veanti ds...,
Which option best defines auto in...,
Which of the following mutations ...
43  cards
Path - Microbiology
Match each numbered class of anti...,
A patient being treated for a sep...,
A known cystic fibrosis patient p...
129  cards
Path - Mock VSAs and SBAs
These questions are a combination of mock questions given in Path week, and as part of the faculty mocks in March and May
71  cards
Path Quiz
These are the questions given as part of the quiz in Path
51  cards
Specialties - O&G
A few of these questions are taken from '450 SBAs in Clinical Specialities' which is an amazing resource. Those questions have an acknowledgement in the answer
201  cards
Specialties - Paeds
Flashcards for paediatrics. Most of them are of my design and have been made using Rapid Paeds and Lissauer's textbook (both of which are excellent), however a couple are taken from '450 SBAs in Clinical Specialities' which is an amazing resource. Those questions have an acknowledgement in the answer
222  cards
Specialties - Psych
This deck contains a combination of some cards made by me, and some from Dr. Hugh Hall's psych revision lecture. Those questions have an acknowledgement in the answer
102  cards

More about
fess' flashcards: 5th year

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study luke fessey's Fess' Flashcards: 5th Year flashcards for their Imperial College London class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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