This class was created by Brainscape user Lucy Prentice. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (34)

Steps in fertilisation,
Seminal fluid components,
17  cards
Relevance of ph of sperm,
Sperm parameters who 2021,
Relevance of fructose in sperm
10  cards
ectopic pregnancy and PID
Tubal anatomy,
Risk factors for ectopic,
Why does ivf increase risk of ect...
14  cards
Lab procedures
Piezo icsi,
List two main techniques for proc...
29  cards
How to diagnose endometriosis esh...,
Abnormalities in the endometrium ...,
Adenomyomectomy what and pros and...
38  cards
1  cards
Mechanism of pituitary suppressio...,
Different regimens of ppos,
Evidence for oocyte donors
10  cards
Ovarian PRP
What is ovarian prp,
Theory behind benefit physiology ...,
4  cards
Next generation sequencing ngs ak...,
Polymerase chain reaction,
4  cards
Guideline development
What are accept statements,
What are accept guidelines name a...,
How is an accept guideline developed
17  cards
Study designs,
Cohort study
77  cards
IVF cycles and medications
Describe gnrh hormone,
Pathway for gnrh stimulation,
Gnrhagonists name
27  cards
Male infertility
1  cards
Dual triggers
What does lh surge do physiologic...,
What does the fsh surge do physio...,
Potential physiological reasons f...
4  cards
Offspring of IVF
May be an increased risk in child...,
Congenital anomalies,
Chromosomal genetic and epigeneti...
6  cards
Cochrane reviews
Individualised gonadotrophin dose...,
Progesterone for prevention if,
Antibiotics at prior to or at the...
26  cards
Two types of immune responses,
Initial immune response,
Innate immune system macrophage a...
27  cards
Recurrent pregnancy loss
Definition of pregnancy loss and rpl,
Value of a rpl service,
Risk factors for rpl
36  cards
Implanatation/endometrium during the menstrual cycle
Define implantation,
Timing location chance of implant...
20  cards
Congenital uterine anomalies
Asrm mac 2021 classification,
Eshre esge 2013 classification,
Definition and incidence in diffe...
17  cards
Categories of ohss,
Risk factors
4  cards
Rotterdam criteria,
Differentials for pcos in order o...,
Definition of irregular cycles an...
36  cards
uterine transplant
General information,
Trans female patients
5  cards
Diminished ovarian reserve
Bologna classification,
Poseidin criteria,
Group 1 posiedin
31  cards
Thyroid disease
Overt hypothyroidism diagnosis,
Hypothyroidism affect on miscarriage,
Thyroid antibodies
19  cards
Reproductive technology accredita...,
Code of practice critical criteri...,
Key personnel
24  cards
1  cards
Endocrine disrupters
Endocrine disruptors,
Reducing exposure
6  cards
Straw 10,
37  cards
Kndy neurons,
Hypothalamic and pituitary hormones
11  cards
Transgender health
Gender diverse epidemiology and f...,
Gender affirming healthcare,
Fertility preservation options tr...
15  cards
2  cards
Mitochondrial donation
Mitchondria structure and function,
Mitochondrial disease,
Differences between nuclear and m...
11  cards
Egg maturation issues
Disorder of oocyte maturation,
Process of oocyte maturation,
Features of gv m1 m2 oocyte
4  cards

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