This class was created by Brainscape user Quita Kilgore. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

MS - Anat & Phys (Epidermis & Epithelial cell junctions)
Pg. 410 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Epidermis layers -Epithelial cell junctions
15  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Knee injury, Clinical landmarks, Rotator cuff muscles, & Wrist bones)
Pg. 411-412 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Knee injury -Clinically important landmarks -Rotator cuff muscles -Wrist bones
29  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Brachial plexus & Upper extremity nerves)
Pg. 413-414 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Brachial plexus lesions -Upper extremity nerves
49  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Lower extremity nerves & Neurovascular pairing)
Pg. 416 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Lower extremity nerves -Neurovascular pairing
20  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Muscle)
Pg. 417-418 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Muscle conduction to contraction -Types of muscle fibers -Smooth muscle contraction
16  cards
MS - Path (Bone disorders)
Pg. 419-421 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Achondroplasia -Osteoporosis -Osteoporosis (marble bone disease) -Osteomalacia/rickets -Paget disease of bone (osteitis deformans) -Osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) -Lab values in bone disorders
53  cards
MS - Path (Primary bone tumors)
Pg. 422-423 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Primary bone tumors
26  cards
MS - Path (Arthritis, Sjogren syndrome, & Gout)
Pg. 424-426 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis -Sjogren syndrome -Gout -Pseudogout -Infectious arthritis -Seronegative spondyloarthropathies
65  cards
MS - Path (SLE, Sarcoidosis, Polymyalgia rheumatica, & Fibromyalgia)
Pg. 427-428 Sections include: -Systemic lupus erythematosus -Sarcoidosis -Polymyalgia rheumatica -Fibromyalgia
41  cards
MS - Path (Polymyositis/dermatomyositis, Neuromuscular junction diseases, & Myositis ossificans)
Pg. 429 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis -Neuromuscular junction diseases -Myositis ossificans
18  cards
MS - Path (Scleroderma & Dermatologic terms)
Pg. 430-431 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) -Dermatologic macroscopic terms (morphology) -Dermatologic microscopic terms
26  cards
MS - Path (Pigmented & Common skin disorders)
Pg. 431-432 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Pigmented skin disorders -Common skin disorders
29  cards
MS - Path (Infectious & Blistering skin disorders)
Pg. 433-435 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Infectious skin disorders -Blistering skin disorders
36  cards
MS - Path (Miscellaneous skin disorders)
Pg. 436-437 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Miscellaneous skin disorders
14  cards
MS - Path (Skin cancer)
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
23  cards
MS - Pharm (Part 1: Arachidonic Acid Products)
Pg. 439-440 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Arachidonic acid products -Aspirin -NSAIDs -COX-2 inhibitors (celecoxib) -Acetaminophen
36  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Hand)
Pg. 415 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Distortions of the hand -Hand muscles
14  cards
MS - Anat & Phys (Bone)
Pg. 419 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Bone formation -Cell biology of bone
13  cards
MS - Pharm (Part 2: Biphosphonates, Gout drugs, & TNF-alpha inhibitors)
Pg. 440-441 in First Aid 2014 Sections include: -Biphosphonates -Gout drugs -TNF-alpha inhibitors
28  cards

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fa - musculoskeletal

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