This class was created by Brainscape user Joe Cunningham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

consent and capacity
What makes consent valid,
What two types of consent are the...,
When can someone give consent on ...
6  cards
dental anxiety
Why may people suffer from dental...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
Why may a child have dental anxiety
3  cards
Flouride Delivery In Community Non H2O
Where does fluoride have the grea...,
Where can fluoride be found in th...,
Give some ways fluoride is delive...
15  cards
How does childsmile promote brush...,
What are the main aims of childsmile,
What are some upstream methods em...
4  cards
Epidemiology 4
Define risk factor,
What is a causal agent,
What is a confounding variable gi...
5  cards
Montgomery Consent
How must consent be gained with m...,
Why is montgomery consent around
2  cards
Water Fluoridation
What is community water fluoridation,
What is typically the optimum flu...,
What uk legislation was implement...
5  cards
Alcohol Prevention
Why is alcohol concentration high...,
What drug decreases alcohol absor...,
What effect does alcohol have
16  cards
Critical Appriasal
Best trial for comparing effectiv...,
What are the main questions when ...,
What makes results valid
6  cards
Domestic Abuse
What was introduced to make domes...,
What is the first thing a clinici...,
What are some hallmark signs of d...
4  cards
Equality And Diversity
What is equality,
What is equity,
What are the 9 diversity strands ...
5  cards
Systematic Reviews
What is a systematic review,
Pros of systematic reviews,
Systematic vs non systematic review
9  cards
CI And P Values Document
What is a ci for a measure of tx ...
1  cards
Meta Analysis
What is meta analysis,
Advantages of meta analysis,
When should meta analysis only be...
9  cards
Quality And Clinica Governance
What is clinical governance,
What are the components of clinic...,
What is person centred healthcare...
23  cards
Complaints Handling?
Importance of communication,
How manage risk of complaint,
Ways service can fail the pt
8  cards

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f - pmhp

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