exotic animal medicine

This class was created by Brainscape user Alyssa Sorum. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Nontraditional Pets: Issues and trends
What are the considerations of ow...,
Are zoonotic diseases common to n...
11  cards
Avian husbandry
How long is the commitment for birds,
Where should bird cages be locate...
13  cards
Intro to Companion Birds: Physical Diagnosis
What history should be obtained d...,
What are the methods or sexing birds,
What species of birds are sexuall...
38  cards
Common Bacterial Diseases of Birds
Obj know common bacterial disease...,
Obj know how to diagnose and trea...,
Obj identify which diseases are a...
22  cards
Critical Avian Care
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
How should birds be triaged,
What does dyspnea look like in a ...
12  cards
Non-infectious Diseases of Companion birds
What are sources for lead poisoni...,
What are sources for zinc toxicit...,
What are the clinical signs of he...
25  cards
Viral Diseases of Birds
What are risk factors for viral d...,
Which avian viral diseases have v...,
Besides vaccination how can avian...
45  cards
Avian Non-infectious diseases
1  cards
Avian Repro diseases
1  cards
Avian Radiology
When triaging what signs mean a b...
1  cards
Intro to Chelonians
What is a chelonian s metabolism ...,
Define poikilothermia
62  cards
Intro to Snakes
What is the dental anatomy of snakes,
Describe gi system of snakes
34  cards
Reptile Radiographs
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
What immobilizing agents can be u...,
What does the last pair of ribs m...
12  cards
Reptile Husbandry
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
What happens when reptiles are ke...,
What happens when reptiles are ke...
13  cards
Lizard Diseases
Describe the respiratory system o...
33  cards
Pet Rodents
What are common risk factors for ...,
What are common risk factors for ...
17  cards
Guinea Pigs & Chinchillas
Where can a guinea pig have blood...,
What antibiotics should be avoide...
18  cards
Urinary/Repro Diseases of Rabbits
1  cards
Intro to Rabbit Medicine
Where can im injections be done o...,
What iv sites are there in rabbits
13  cards
Hedgehog Disease
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
How can one tell the sex of a hed...,
How can pregnancy be detected in ...
29  cards
Ferrets and Ferret Diseases
What animal and human diseases ha...,
How do ferrets reproduce litter s...
23  cards
Non-endocrine Ferret Diseases
What is ferret lymphoma,
What are the classifications of f...
11  cards
Insulinoma & Ferret Adrenocortical Disease
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
What immobilizing agents can be u...,
What does the last pair of ribs m...
12  cards
Pharmacotherapeutics in Exotic Small Mammals
When triaging what signs mean a b...,
What happens when reptiles are ke...,
What happens when reptiles are ke...
13  cards
Small Mammal Radiology
When triaging what signs mean a b...
1  cards
Backyard Poultry
1  cards
Adding Exotic Animals to Your Practice
1  cards
Rabbit GI System
Describe the gi anatomy of rabbits,
What does the diet of a rabbit co...
20  cards

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exotic animal medicine

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