exercise physiology

This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Stone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Lab 1: Introduction
What is work,
What kind of work is involved wit...,
What kind of work is involved wit...
9  cards
Lab 2: Metabolic Rate
What does the term metabolism ref...,
What type of reactions yield energy,
What type of reactions require en...
33  cards
Lab 3: Substrate Utilization
Storage form and location for car...,
Storage form and location for fats,
Storage form and location for pro...
21  cards
Lab 4: Aerobic Fitness
What does the vo2 max test measure,
How is vo2 max measured,
How does oxygen consumption chang...
34  cards
Lab 5: Anaerobic Fitness
What are power outputs above vo2 ...,
Which energy systems account for ...,
Which energy reserves provide ene...
27  cards
Lab Exam 1
Define energy,
What is the independent variable ...,
What is the independent variable ...
47  cards
Lab 6: Prediction and Prescription
Gold standard for determining car...,
What is the most accurate method ...,
Why can knowing your vo2 max be v...
35  cards
Lab 7: Body Composition
What can information derived from...,
What does anthropometry,
How is body mass index bmi calcul...
40  cards
Lab 8: Graded Exercise Testing
Best indicator of overall cardio ...,
Potential reasons for using a gra...,
Common measurements for all grade...
39  cards
Lab 9: Thermoregulation
Define thermoregulation,
How do endothermic species thermo...,
How do ectothermic species thermo...
57  cards
Lab 10: Altitude
What does acute ascent to altitud...,
What is the reduction in the amou...,
Hypoxia associated with terrestri...
28  cards
Lab Exam 2
Non exercise equations for predic...,
To extrapolate vo2 max based on s...,
Assumptions from estimating vo2 m...
55  cards
Chapter 1: Common Measurements in Exercise Physiology
Define physical activity,
Define physical fitness,
Define exercise
34  cards
Chapter 2: Control of the Internal Environment
Define homeostasis,
Define steady state,
Define steady state exercise
12  cards
Chapter 3/4: Bioenergetics and Exercise Metabolism
1 g of carbohydrates yields,
1 g of fat yields,
1 g of protein yields
100  cards
Chapter 5: Hormonal Responses to Exercise
Gh location of synthesis,
Stimulus for gh release,
Actions of gh
41  cards
Chapter 6: Exercise & the Immune System
Mechanisms of defense of the inna...,
Define phagocytosis,
Define apoptosis innate
27  cards
Chapter 8: Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function
Which end of the muscle is attach...,
Which end of the muscle if fixed,
Where are subsarcolemmel ss mitoc...
62  cards
Chapter 9: Circulatory Responses to Exercise
Purposes of the cardiorespiratory...,
Two major changes to blood flow d...,
Describe the pulmonary circuit wh...
57  cards
Chapter 10: Respiration During Exercise
What is the difference between pu...,
Purposes of the respiratory syste...,
How does intrapulmonary pressure ...
59  cards
Chapter 11: Acid-Base Balance During Exercise
3 factors that h production depen...,
How does the decline in blood ph ...,
3 source of h ions during exercise
13  cards
Chapter 13/14/20: The Physiology of Training
Describe the principle of overload,
What factors can contribute to ov...,
What does too much overload lead to
82  cards
Chapter 12/23: Temperature Regulation & Altitude
Describe the term homeotherms,
Normal core temp,
Temperatures above 45 degrees cel...
79  cards
Chapter 18/22: Nutriton for Health and Performance
What is rda recommended daily all...,
What is ai adequate intakes when ...,
Underweight bmi
72  cards
Chapter 17/21: Exercise for Special Populations COPY
Signs and symptoms of diabetes,
For type 1 diabetics what happens...,
Effects of normal insulin levels ...
91  cards

More about
exercise physiology

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