This class was created by Brainscape user Liya Zhang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Mack (2000)
Advantage of chain ladder method ...,
Advantage of the benktander metho...
2  cards
One advantage of using collective...,
Advantage of the optimal credibil...
2  cards
Advantage of the least squares me...,
Advantage of using best linear ap...,
When is least squares development...
8  cards
How are sound estimates unpaid lo...,
Five primary reasons that ceding ...,
What is treaty reinsurance
44  cards
Advantage of using parameterized ...,
Two key elements of a statistical...,
Describe the ldf method to estima...
17  cards
Major consequence of mack assumpt...,
Mack s 3 assumptions underlying t...,
Major consequence of mack assumpt...
12  cards
Venter Factors
If future loss emergence is a con...,
If future loss emergence is propo...,
Testing implications of assumptio...
18  cards
Property of the over dispersed po...,
Advantage of the odp bootstrap model,
How to include process variance i...
60  cards
Advantages of a high deductible p...,
Describe the loss ratio approach,
Advantage of the loss ratio approach
22  cards
Two requirements of the claim siz...,
By assuming that rk 1 we obtain 3...,
Model assumption
5  cards
Teng & Perkins
Reasons to purchase retro policies,
Advantage of using the retro form...,
Disadvantage of using the retro f...
25  cards
Why the mack model may not accura...,
Describe when the model is light ...,
Differences between model results...
21  cards
Describe the effect of p in the t...,
Describe what we want to see from...,
4 conditions for non parametric m...
13  cards
Two important properties of bayes...,
Common problem with bayesian method,
Differences between the chain lad...
15  cards
2 sources of uncertainty,
Describe systemic risk and 2 sour...,
2 sources of systemic risk
17  cards

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exam 7 by liya

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