This class was created by Brainscape user Nina Mihaylova. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1. Programming - NM
What are the components of an arc...,
What are some alternate names for...,
What sort of studies or analyses ...
32  cards
2. Site and Environment - NM
What does leed stand for who deve...,
Leed rating system 6 concepts,
How to do a site analysis 6 steps
86  cards
2. Site and Environment
Programming • Site and Environmental Analysis • Cost Management • Coordinating Engineering Systems • Schematic Design • Design Development
51  cards
2. Site and Environment
List the physical factors related...,
List the cultural factors related...,
List the regalutory factors relat...
30  cards
2. Site and Environment
6 what are the 4 fundamentals of ...,
28 what are the negative effects ...,
22 how can we mitigate the heat i...
30  cards
3. Coordinating Engineering Systems - NM
List components of forced air hea...,
What is hydronic heating system,
Advantage and disadvantage of ele...
48  cards
2. Site and Environment
Define easement,
Define right of way,
Is building height restricted by ...
18  cards
2. Site and Environment
4 types of soils,
Standard penetration test spt
47  cards
3. Coordinating Engineering Systems
1 elec volt diagram,
2 ground neutral,
3 sequence of e flow
30  cards
3. Coordinating Engineering Systems
S1 list the pros and cons of wood...,
S3 list the best building height ...,
S4 list the pros cons of site cas...
20  cards
3. Coordinating Engineering Systems
True or false precipitation are s...,
Which of the following loads are ...,
What is flutter
11  cards
4 Cost Management
What are the 8 main factors influ...,
What about an economic political ...,
How might environmental factors i...
79  cards
5. Schematic Design
You are providing architectural s...,
The roof structure of a house con...
2  cards
5. Schematic Design
What is the schematic design phas...,
What 3 aspects of the project are...,
Identify the information required...
20  cards
6. Design Development
What is the main structural probl...,
What information does the archite...,
As a record of design decisions w...
26  cards

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exac exam 1

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