This class was created by Brainscape user Rafay Aslam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are the benefits of preparin...,
What are disadvantages barriers t...,
What is spray drying and how can ...
9  cards
Why is delivering drugs to brain ...,
What is the early evidence for a bbb,
Why have a barrier
14  cards
How do things get into the brain,
What is the clinical significance...,
Describe the neurovascular unit
15  cards
Brain tumours and current treatments,
What is the current treatments fo...,
Whats an additional problem chemo...
16  cards
What are biologics and what are t...,
Compare the general characteristi...,
Disadvantages of biologics
13  cards
Pharmaceutical Inventions 1
What is a patent,
How to gain patent protection in ...,
List some patented devices
13  cards
formulation patent cases
Describe teva vs leo,
Was teva vs leo invention obvious...,
Describe hospira vs genentech
6  cards
drug repurposing
Name 3 drugs that were repurposed,
What are the problems associated ...,
Traditional drug discovery vs dru...
8  cards
drugs of abuse 1
What constitutes a drug of abuse,
How are drugs classified,
Compare legal drugs vs legal highs
11  cards
drug abuse 2
Compare and contrast differing ty...,
Explain the physical addiction me...,
Physical addiction mechanism of a...
11  cards
drug abuse 3
What is meant by gateway drug,
How do gateway drugs lead to use ...,
Explain legal highs and their tox...
10  cards
What does tcm involve,
What are the diff theories in tcm
20  cards
Define ebm,
Limitations of ebm,
Financing of research
4  cards
cultural competence
What is culture,
What makes culture,
What is cultural competency
9  cards
drug abuse 4
0  cards

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