This class was created by Brainscape user Katie Duncan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

1.1 - Enviromental Values Systems
What does enviromental movement d...,
What does the enviromental moveme...,
How did silent spring influence e...
26  cards
1.2 - Sytems And Models
What does the term systems approa...,
What could systems and interactio...,
What does the interactions within...
29  cards
1.3 - Energy And Equilibria
What is the first law of thermody...,
What forms does energy exist in,
What describes the change in energy
39  cards
1.4 - Sustainability
Define sustainability,
What does sustainability involve,
Why is it important to manage nat...
51  cards
1.5 - Humans And Popullations
What does pollution refer to,
What are the three major problems...,
What 2 things can pollution be
27  cards
8.1 - Human Population Dynamics
Why are demographic tools essential,
What do demographic tools provide,
What are 5 demographic tools
58  cards
8.2 - Resourse Use In Society
Define natural capital,
What can natural goods and servic...,
What is renewable capital
24  cards
8.3 - Soild Domestic Waste
What is solid domestic waste,
What can vary the volume and comp...,
What is organic waste
51  cards
8.4 - Human Populations And Carrying Capacity
What is a carrying capacity,
What affects do abiotic and bioti...,
Why does population size have a l...
36  cards
2.1 - Species And Populations
What is a species,
What is a habitat,
What can habitats be characterise...
48  cards
2.2 - Communities And Ecosystems
What is a community,
Is an ecosystem a community,
Give an example of how a communit...
43  cards
2.3 - Flows Of Energy And Matter
What happens to some of the energ...,
What is the pathway of radiation ...,
How does solar energy end up in p...
47  cards
2.4 - Biomes, Zonation And Succession
Define biome,
What are the 5 classes of biomes,
What is a aquatic biome
104  cards
2.5 - Investigating Ecosystems
Name 2 ecosystems,
How do you identify organisms in ...,
How do you identity a organisms t...
52  cards
7.1 - Energy Choice And Security
What do fossil fuels include,
How are fossil fuels formed,
What are 3 advantages of fossil f...
56  cards
7.2 - Climate Change: Causes And Impacts
What dies climate refers to,
What is climate influenced by,
31  cards
7.3 - Climate Chnage: Mitigation And Adaption
Why is climate change mitigation ...,
What are 4 mitigation strategies ...,
What are 4 methods for carrying o...
5  cards

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