This class was created by Brainscape user Crystal Moonstone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (51)

MT4 - Mycobacteria General ++ (W)
Giant cells typically occur in tu...,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis can ca...,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis can ca...
108  cards
MT4 - Bovine tuberculosis (R)
Mainly proliferative lesions can ...,
Bovine tuberculosis is sustained ...,
Fresh tuberculosis lesions in the...
114  cards
MT4 - Avian tuberculosis (W) + Paratuberculosis (R)
In the case of avian tuberculosis...,
Avian tuberculosis is caused by m...,
Avian tuberculosis is a generalis...
75  cards
Lack of colostrum is an important...,
Certain verotoxigenic escherichia...,
Enterotoxigenic escherichia coli ...
40  cards
MT4 - Diseases caused by E. coli in cattle (W)
High fever is a common clinical s...,
Hygienic problems can predispose ...,
Lack of umbilical disinfection ca...
75  cards
MT4 - Diseases caused by E. coli in swine (R)
Oedema disease of weaned piglets ...,
High fever is a typical clinical ...,
Verotoxigenic strains are respons...
72  cards
MT4 - Diseases caused by E. coli in poultry +Rabbit(W)
Omphalitis is a frequent sign of ...,
Germinative infection does not oc...,
Air sacculitis is common in the c...
49  cards
MT4 - SALMONELLA general+Ho+Car ++
There are good immune reactions a...,
Salmonella enterica has 6 subspecies,
The salmonella serotypes that cau...
62  cards
MT4 - Salmonella diseases of swine (R)
Salmonella typhi is a zoonotic agent,
Salmonella typhysuis is a causati...,
Salmonella typhisuis is an obliga...
111  cards
MT4 - Salmonellosis of Cattle (G)
The enterotoxins of the agents ar...,
Treatment of bovine salmonellosis...,
Arthritis can be a clinical sign ...
59  cards
MT4 - Salmonellosis of small ruminants + Horse (G)
Arthritis can be a clinical sign ...,
Viral diseases bluetongue border ...,
Diarrhoea is a clinical sign of o...
82  cards
MT4 - Avian Salmonellosis + Fowl typhoid (R)
Salmonella infantis is most frequ...,
Salmonella reduction programs aim...,
Salmonella reduction programs aim...
70  cards
MT4 - Fowl paratyphoid (R)
Clinical signs of fowl paratyphoi...,
Fowl paratyphoid is limited to th...,
Fowl paratyphoid has been eradica...
45  cards
Yersinia enterocolitica does not ...,
Lesions caused by yersinia pseudo...,
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis can c...
80  cards
MT4 - Necrobacillosis and panaritium of ruminants (W)
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp n...,
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp n...,
Aerosol infection is a common for...
85  cards
Asymptomatic carriage of pasteure...,
Pasteurella multocida is highly r...,
Pasteurella multocida can cause p...
32  cards
MT4 - Respiratory pasteurellosis of cattle (W)
Pasteurella bovis can cause paste...,
Diarrhoea is the main clinical si...,
Overcrowding is a predisposing fa...
40  cards
MT4 - Haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattle (G)
Haemorrhagic septicaemia of cattl...,
Pasteurella multocida strains are...,
Antibiotic treatment at the time ...
57  cards
MT4 - Pasteurellosis of sheep and goats (W)
Septicaemic ovine pasteurellosis ...,
Acute systemic pasteurellosis occ...,
Pasteurella ovis can cause pasteu...
76  cards
MT4 - Pasteurellosis of swine and rabbits (W)
Rabbit pasteurellosis is a genera...,
Pasteurella multocida a and d str...,
Clinical signs of pasteurellosis ...
32  cards
Atrophic rhinitis of swine
Europe is free from atrophic rhin...,
Dermonecrotoxin producing pasteur...,
The dermonecrotoxin of pasteurell...
58  cards
Fowl cholera
Fowl cholera is caused by pasteur...,
Fowl cholera can occur is ducks a...,
The agent of fowl cholera can sur...
80  cards
The clinical signs of anatipestif...,
Ataxia and spasms are common clin...,
Anatipestifer disease is a zoonosis
46  cards
MT4 - Brucella
Rose bengal test is used for the ...,
Brucella species cannot tolerate ...,
Brucellae can be detected by stai...
73  cards
Brucellosis of swine
Herd replacement is the only way ...,
Wild boars and wild hares can ser...,
Wild boars can be the carrier of ...
50  cards
Bovine brucellosis (R)
Brucella abortus can cause septic...,
Brucella abortus can cause necros...,
Abr test can detect antibodies ag...
101  cards
Ovine epididymitis and orchitis caused by Brucella ovis
Histophilus somni and actinobacil...,
Brucella ovis infection is restri...,
Brucella ovis can cause an acute ...
44  cards
Brucellosis caused by B. melitensis in sheep and goat
The maintenance host of brucella ...,
Brucella melitensis infection of ...,
B melitensis can disappear sponta...
33  cards
Canine brucellosis + other species
Brucella canis cannot cause abort...,
Brucella canis can be isolated fr...,
Brucella suis can infect dogs
40  cards
Francisella tularensis can cause ...,
Hunters can be infected with fran...,
Tularaemia is an occupational dis...
61  cards
Viral agents frequently predispos...,
Actinobacillus lignieresii is a f...,
Swine actinomycosis is caused by ...
41  cards
Actinobacillosis of ruminants+A.seminis+A.suis:
Wooden tongue is a frequent lesio...,
Hard and dry feed predisposes cat...,
Bovine actinobacillosis is preven...
29  cards
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia of swine
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia of...,
Mainly attenuated vaccines are us...,
Cytotoxins are virulence factors ...
43  cards
Transportation can predispose pig...,
Meningitis can occur in the case ...,
Glasser s disease occurs mainly i...
83  cards
Mares cannot carry the agent of c...,
The agent of contagious equine me...,
Orchitis in stallions is a freque...
31  cards
Bordetella species can be frequen...,
Bordetella pertussis can sometime...,
To the isolation of b avium v fac...
43  cards
Fimbriae and proteases are virule...,
Infectious bovine keratoconjuncti...,
Itching is a clinical sign of inf...
38  cards
Retrovirus (IKKE FERDIG)
Retroviruses are frequently carri...,
Retroviruses carry an integrase e...,
Malignant transformation of host ...
351  cards
MT4 - Orthomyxo/influenza
1 influenzaviruses have segmented...,
2 hpai and lpai strains differ in...,
3 ha protein of influenza viruses...
61  cards
Veterinarians can cause iatrogeni...,
Arthropod borne infections are di...,
Arthopod born infections are indi...
320  cards
There is no neutralizing epitope ...,
The reproduction of the parvoviru...,
Parvoviruses are good antigens
136  cards
The reproduction of the circoviru...,
The circovirus is too small so it...,
The circovirus is a good antigen
141  cards
There is no vaccine available aga...,
Papillomaviridae have strong resi...,
The sarcoid is caused by bovine p...
24  cards
Treatment of haemorrhagic nephrit...,
The haemorrhagic nephritis enteri...,
The haemorrhagic nephritis enteri...
30  cards
Adenoviruses are resistant to det...,
Adenoviruses are enveloped viruse...,
Adenoviruses are resistant to det...
125  cards
Herpesviruses are good antigens,
Alphaherpesviruses are host speci...,
Alphaherpesviruses may cause late...
195  cards
Equine rhinopneumonitis virus is ...,
For immunisation against equine r...,
Equine rhinopneumonitis virus can...
201  cards
The eradication of smallpox was s...,
Poxviruses can cause generalised ...,
The eradication of monkeypox was ...
233  cards
MT2 - African swine fever- correct but missing
1 several virulence variants of a...,
2 african swine fever is shed in ...,
3 stamping out of the infected he...
20  cards
MT2 - picrona; tescho, SWD, VES, Avian encephalo, Duck hep, encephalomyo
1 picornaviridae are enveloped vi...,
2 the resistance of picornavirida...,
3 asymptomatic animals can carry ...
50  cards
51 fmd is a chronic disease,
52 fmd spreads slowly within the ...,
53 fmd virus is shed by semen
46  cards

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