This class was created by Brainscape user Louis Edwards. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Describe how phosphates contribut...,
Why are deeper soils typically mo...,
What soil type is easier to culti...
18  cards
What are contact action pesticides,
Describe hormone pesticides,
What are examples of cultural pes...
3  cards
Conservation Of Biodiversity
Name 4 new foods for potential co...,
Name 2 different instances of bio...,
Name two different instances of h...
27  cards
Life Processes In The Biosphere
What is an ecological niche,
What is a plagioclimax,
Define the term species
9  cards
Conditions For Life On Earth
Why is the mass of the earth sign...,
Why is the earths rotation and ti...,
Why is the earths molten core sig...
11  cards
Research Methods
What is a point quadrat,
What is an open frame quadrat,
What is a grid quadrat
5  cards
Suggest two reasons fish farmers ...
1  cards
Energy Resources
How can the environmental impacts...,
Name two nuclear power disasters,
What is nuclear fission
16  cards
Describe the cause of the london ...,
Describe the effects of the londo...,
Describe the features of the clea...
22  cards
What is denitrification,
What is nitrogen fixation,
What industrial examples involve ...
30  cards
The Hydrosphere
Name 3 examples of water sources ...,
How does deforestation impact the...,
Define transpiration
19  cards
Mineral Rescouces
0  cards
Mineral Resources
Name three sedimentary rocks,
How are metamorphic rocks formed ...,
How are igneous rocks formed and ...
11  cards
Paper 1 Practicals
How do u measure bulk density of ...,
How do u calculate percentage wat...,
Why are lichens good for studying...
5  cards

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envi sci

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