entrepreneurial mindset

This class was created by Brainscape user Trent Fitzgerald. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Class 1
The two types of opportunities,
Entrepreneurs are people who find...,
Entrepreneurship myths debunked
3  cards
Class 2
Starting your own business you fo...,
Franchising type of license purch...,
Buying a small business the entre...
14  cards
Class 3
Fixed mindset,
Growth mindset
10  cards
Class 4
Why do we need to identify major ...,
What are qualities of a highly va...,
Identify the root cause solving r...
4  cards
Class 5
What is an opportunity a way of g...,
All opportunities should be uniqu...,
Economic value profit for the com...
10  cards
Class 6
Characteristics of favorable oppo...,
For value to be profitable,
Characteristics of favorable oppo...
22  cards
Class 7
Business model,
Valued is delivered by fulfilling...,
Strategic position
18  cards
Class 8
Common customer problems,
3 ways to present your customer v...
5  cards
(New unit) Class 1
Why does understanding your custo...,
Customers people who buy your pro...,
Consumers people who use your pro...
7  cards
Class 2
4 characteristics of a market,
Market sizing,
Total available market tam
22  cards
Class 3
Key questions for customer journey,
5 customer journey stages,
The industry lifecycle
13  cards
Class 4
Where how do you start find your ...,
How do you gain momentum,
Why is it important to experiment
11  cards
Class 5
Why do revenue models matter,
Business models vs revenue models,
Revenue model strategies must add...
20  cards
Class 6
Income statement,
Operating profit interest expense...,
Pricing strategies
5  cards
(New unit) Class 1
Why should you plan to take inven...,
Critical path,
6  cards
Class 2
Art of the pitch team project del...,
Consider how stakeholders will th...,
Importance of branding
16  cards
Class 3
Deciding who gets what,
Assigning equity percentages of o...,
Creating foundational documentation
8  cards
Class 4
How to find financial resources,
Reasons to bootstrap,
Even more reasons to bootstrap be...
11  cards
Class 5
Benefits of equity financing,
Important tips of seeking investors,
Equity considerations
15  cards

More about
entrepreneurial mindset

  • Class purpose General learning

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