This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Who was the poet that wrote ozyma...,
What generate of romantic was she...,
What where the conventions of rom...
14  cards
Who was the poet that wrote london,
Give a summary of the poem,
What is the context for the poem
14  cards
Extract From, The Prelude
Which poet wrote the prelude and ...,
What is the context of the poem,
What genre of poetry is it and wh...
15  cards
My Last Duchess
Who is the poet of my last duches...,
What are some good contextual poi...,
What is the form of the poem why ...
10  cards
The Charge Of The Light Brigade
Who is the poet that wrote the ch...,
What is the historical context of...,
What is the key point when lookin...
15  cards
Who was the poet that wrote expos...,
What is the context of the poem,
Analyze the structure of the peom
12  cards
Storm On The Island
Who was the poet that wrote storm...,
What is the context of the poem,
What are the two key points when ...
8  cards
Bayonet Charge
Who is the poet that wrote bayone...,
What is the context of the poem,
How does the poet start the poem ...
13  cards
Who is the poet that wrote remains,
How can we analyze the structure ...,
How can we analyze the form tie t...
14  cards
Who was the poet that wrote poppi...,
What is the subject of the poem,
What is the context for this poem
9  cards
War Photographer
Who is the poet that wrote war ph...,
How can we analyze the structure ...,
How is the narrative style important
11  cards
Who was the poet that tissue and ...,
What are the 11 quotes you should...,
What is a good quote showing the ...
9  cards
The Emigrée
Who is the poet that wrote the em...,
How can we analyze the title the ...,
What are the five quotes you shou...
8  cards
Checking Out Me History
Who is the poet of checking out m...,
What is the context for the poem,
How can we analyze the structure ...
10  cards
Who is the poet that wrote kamikaze,
What is the key theme in the poem,
What is the key point to grasp
13  cards
Some things you can use
1  cards

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english poems

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