english lit: king lear

This class was created by Brainscape user Evan Lord. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Critics Views
How did samuel johnson regard cor...,
How did samuel johnson view nahum...,
What was joesph addison s take on...
25  cards
Who was king lear,
How does shakespeare know of king...,
How is the story of king lear dra...
24  cards
King Lear
How is king lear a paradoxical ch...,
Why is it surprising that lear is...,
What quotation shows that people ...
17  cards
Regan and Goneril
Who is goneril,
How does regan react to the love ...,
What happens when lear leaves the...
12  cards
Why does kent speak the truth,
When is it revealed the kent has ...,
When does kent reveal his disguis...
5  cards
When is edgar seen as himself and...,
Why does edmond exploit edgar,
How is edgar similar to gloucester
13  cards
What is the cause of edmond s rol...,
What is the impact of edmond s so...,
Who is nicholas machiavelli
11  cards
What does gloucester discuss with...,
Give a quotation of gloucester jo...,
How is gloucester comparative wit...
10  cards
The Fool
Who is the fool,
How do we know that the fool has ...,
How does the fool propel the moti...
8  cards
Why does lear denounce cordelia,
What effect does cordelias aside ...,
How does cordelia start the motif...
12  cards
Power and Powerlessness
A dogs,
More than,
What quote shows the divine right...
25  cards
As flies to wanton boys,
Plate sin with gold,
I am a man
15  cards
Fathers and Children
We two alone,
Into her womb,
In what quotation uses animal ima...
19  cards
Appearance v Reality
My tears begin,
In pity of his,
What quotation represents edgar s...
17  cards
Religion and belief
Judgement of,
Let the great gods that keep this...,
Our present business
16  cards
Who is oswald,
What does oswald wearing a sword ...,
How is oswald presented when he c...
4  cards

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english lit: king lear

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Evan Lord's English Lit: King Lear flashcards for their Nottingham College class now!

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