english lit by me

This class was created by Brainscape user Habiba Sultana. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Reasons For Attendance
How does the speaker feel about s...,
Where does the speaker feel you c...,
What does the speaker begin to fe...
12  cards
What arrival of which season is t...,
Who influenced larkins work,
Who was thomas hardy and what wer...
9  cards
Born Yesterday
What should new life be protected...,
Who is it the deception of,
What are the two different meanin...
9  cards
Poetry Of Departures
What voice is telling them to con...,
Where does the desire come from,
What does the speaker say society...
11  cards
What does the speaker want to be ...,
Who does he mock,
What was larkins nickname
11  cards
I Remember, I Remember
What does the speaker stumble upo...,
How does his childhood town make ...,
What did thomas hood write a poem...
10  cards
Next, Please
What are the ships metaphors for,
How are the opportunities describ...,
What is the only certainty in life
11  cards
What is this poem about,
What does the speaker fear,
What is the speaker confused abou...
12  cards
Arrivals Departure
How does the poem use the image o...,
What is difficult about life s op...,
Who did larkin have uncertain fee...
11  cards
Wedding Wind
How is the speaker presented abou...,
What does she feel and realise ab...,
What is larkin
15  cards
What are the two voices in toads,
What is one voice say,
What does the other voice say
13  cards
At Grass
How does the horses feel at the s...,
What do they actually like about ...,
What are they waiting for
11  cards
No Road
What is the main theme of this poem,
What does the speaker still have ...,
What will help the speaker heal
11  cards
Maiden Name
What is the speaker criticising t...,
What does the speaker suggest abo...,
Who did larkin have a close frien...
12  cards
Who wants freedom,
What do they find out at the end,
Who already knew about these rest...
12  cards
Victor Frankenstein
1 guided by a __ cord comparison ...,
2 their __ how is he acting word ...,
3 i __ nature to her hiding place...
9  cards
The Monster
1 __ skin __ yellow eye lack of w...,
2 i ought to be thy __ but i am r...,
3 i __ my hand into the love embe...
8  cards
Kathy H
Why is kathy referred to as kathy h,
1 an __ made me get the case acts...,
2 was a woman who d been told she...
9  cards
1 his __ wings did mount above hi...,
2 o this __ my soul 2 techniques ...,
3 necromantic books are __ what i...
8  cards
Place - Frankenstein
How is geneva presented,
1 the water was __ all around was...,
How is ingolstadt represented
3  cards

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english lit by me

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