english language - language diversity - sex, gender and language

This class was created by Brainscape user Tom Greenhouse. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Introduction to Gender, Sex and Language
How many different aspects will b...,
What is the first aspect that wil...,
What will the language variations...
8  cards
Linguistic Definitions of Sex and Gender
Define what sex means in terms of...,
What is an example of a biologica...,
What does gender mean when talkin...
5  cards
Define folklinguistics,
How do the 4 d approaches relate ...,
Which of the 4 d approaches was t...
19  cards
Language Variations: The 4 D's and Studies covering these
What are the 4 d approaches do no...,
Name the 4 d approaches,
Which of the 3 d s are covered fi...
5  cards
Language Variations: Jespersen
When did jespersen do his research,
What was the situation for women ...,
What did jespersen publish
10  cards
Language Variations: Lakoff
When did lakoff do her research,
What wave of feminism was taking ...,
What was the name of lakoff s book
15  cards
Language Variations: Zimmerman and West
When did zimmerman and west do th...,
What did zimmerman and west look ...,
How many conversations did zimmer...
17  cards
Language Variations: O'Barr and Atkins
When did o barr and atkins do the...,
What did o barr and atkins challe...,
Where did o barr and atkins do th...
9  cards
Language Variations: Spender
What did spender argue,
What is an example of showing how...,
What did spender say had resulted...
3  cards
Language Variations: Holmes
When did holmes do her study,
What did holmes look at in her study,
What is one of the reasons that h...
15  cards
Language Variations: Tannen
When did tannen do her study,
What did tannen argue,
What were the purposes of using l...
12  cards
Diversity Theorists: All studies names and their concepts
How many diversity theorists are ...,
Who published the myth of mars an...,
Who created the gender similariti...
6  cards
Diversity Theorists: Cameron
What article did cameron create,
What does the myth of mars and ve...,
How do women use language and how...
10  cards
Diversity Theorists: Eckert
When did eckert do her research,
What article did eckert publish,
How many criticisms did the whole...
13  cards
Diversity Theorists: Eckert - Jocks and Burnouts
Where did eckert do this study,
When did eckert do her jocks and ...,
What social class were the jocks ...
10  cards
Diversity Theorists: Hyde
What hypothesis did hyde propose,
What did the gender similarities ...,
Where were similarities found bet...
13  cards
Diversity Theorists: Butler
What book did butler write,
What does butler claim,
What does butler claim the result...
13  cards
Arguments against Policing Womens Language
What adverb have women been told ...,
What filler have women been told ...,
What type of fta is filler more l...
19  cards

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english language - language diversity - sex, gender and language

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