english language - language diversity - occupation and language

This class was created by Brainscape user Tom Greenhouse. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Lexis and Semantics of Occupation Brief Introduction
Which paper is language diversity...,
What is the term for technical la...,
Define general lexis
5  cards
Lexis and Semantics in Occupation: Legalese
Which occupation is legalese used in,
What year was the norman invasion...,
Which language became the standar...
24  cards
Lexis and Semantics in Occupation: Legalese and the Plain English Campaign
What does the plain english campa...,
Why does the plain english campai...,
What is an argument against the p...
13  cards
Lexis and Semantics in Classrooms: Sinclair and Coulthard
Need to do this asap,
How many main functions did teach...,
What were the 3 main functions of...
23  cards
All Occupation and Language Features of: Property Development
Name 2 lexis features in this occ...,
What 2 forms of sentences are mor...,
What type of accent is most likel...
5  cards
Occupation and Language Studies: All Studies
Who studied business language,
What did swales study,
Which two linguists created the c...
9  cards
Occupation and Language Studies: Nelson
What did nelson study,
What did nelson compare the corpu...,
What is the british national corpus
9  cards
Occupation and Language Studies: Swales
When did swales do this study,
What concept did swales create,
What is another name for a discou...
8  cards
Occupation and Language: Drew and Heritage and maybe Fairclough
When did drew and heritage do the...,
What are inferential frameworks,
Do inferential frameworks favour ...
22  cards
Occupation and Language: Koester
When did koester do her research,
What does koester talk about,
What do some employers do with ph...
9  cards
Occupation and Language: Kim and Elder
When did kim and elder do their r...,
What did kim and elder study,
What pronunciations were koreans ...
7  cards
Occupation and Language: Giles
What concept did giles create,
Define accommodation,
What are the two ways you can acc...
12  cards
Occupation and Language: Holmes
What does holmes argue,
What does holmes challenge,
What term did holmes make instead...
8  cards
Occupation and Language: Rowe
What did rowe study,
What did rowe find with what happ...,
What is the advantage of waiting ...
7  cards
Occupation and Language: Fringinal
What did fringinal research,
Name the 2 features that the phil...,
Name one feature one feature that...
3  cards
Arguments for Management Speak
Define management speak,
What 3 features does management s...,
What is the plain english campaig...
24  cards
Arguments against Management Speak
Define management speak,
What 3 language features will man...,
What is the first argument agains...
12  cards

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english language - language diversity - occupation and language

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