english cie igcse

This class was created by Brainscape user Elyas Efthimiou. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Purple Hibiscus - Aunty Ifeoma
As if,
She looked
10  cards
Purple Hibiscus - Papa-Nnukwu
Don t,
10  cards
Purple Hibiscus - Religion
Mama s,
When i had,
Just as
10  cards
Purple Hibiscus - Oppression
I meant,
Oppression which,
10  cards
Purple Hibiscus - Father Amadi
It felt,
I did not know also another quota...,
I felt that he
10  cards
Purple Hibiscus - Mama
Mama was slung,
I imagined the door,
The way papa
6  cards
Songs of Ourselves - Funeral Blues
What is significance about the title,
1st paragraph stanza 11st point,
1st paragraph stanza 1 and 22nd p...
12  cards
Songs of Ourselves - The Man with Night Sweats
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 21st ...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 22nd ...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 23rd ...
11  cards
Songs of Ourselves - Away Melancholy
1st paragraph stanzas 1 2 and 31s...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 2 and 32n...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 2 and 33r...
11  cards
Songs of Ourselves - He Never Expected Much
1st parag,
1st paragraph stanza 1,
1st paragraph stanza 13rd point 2
11  cards
Songs of Ourselves - From Long Distance
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 21st ...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 22nd ...,
1st paragraph
12  cards
Songs of Ourselves - The Telephone Call
1st paragraph stanza 1 and 22nd p...,
1st paragraph stanzas
10  cards
Songs of Ourselves - The Spirit is Too Blunt an Instrument
1st paragraph stanza 11st point,
1st paragraph stanza 12nd point,
1st paragraph stanza 13rd point 2
10  cards
Songs of Ourselves - On Finding A Small Fly Crushed By A Book
1st paragraph lines 1 to 41st poi...,
1st paragraph lines 1 to 42nd point,
2nd paragraph lines 5 to 81st point
10  cards
Songs of Ourselves - Request To A Year
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 21st ...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 22nd ...,
1st paragraph stanzas 1 and 23rd ...
10  cards
Songs of Ourselves - The City Planners
1st paragraph stanza 11st point 2,
1st paragraph stanza 12nd point 3,
1st paragraph stanza 13rd point
4  cards

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english cie igcse

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