
This class was created by Brainscape user Delasi Attivor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

a golden age
The 18th century in england is ge...,
It was an important moment in the...,
What factors were rejected during...
9  cards
civility and moderation
What is cicility and moderation,
In the,
What did moralilty and fashion de...
6  cards
the role of women
How were english women different ...,
The name of the woman who was one...,
Who did aphra behn do
8  cards
a new view of the natural world
Who brought a new view of the nat...,
What were the goal of the enlight...,
What beliefs they they reject
10  cards
What encouraged exploration,
When was the enlightenment moveme...
7  cards
the circulation of ideas
Why was there a new need for a me...,
What were one of the man ways of ...,
What difference did the printed w...
16  cards
A survey of augustan literature
The augustan literature showed,
The augustan age was characterised,
Reading as an occupational activi...
8  cards
Factors that influenced the devel...,
How was eireligion s influeuce st...
2  cards
augustan poetry
Poet s role in augustan poetry,
Techniques used,
The techniques used
5  cards
How drama changed in the augustan...,
What did london audiences began t...,
Pantomime is a mixture of
5  cards
the rise of novels
Who are the fathers of english no...,
Who were the spokesman of the mid...,
Novel was concered with
16  cards
Daniel Defoe
Year of birth daniel dofoe,
Into what family was daniel defoe...,
Where was he educated
21  cards
Robinson Crusoe
Spiritual autobiography robinson ...,
The novel can be read as,
Why does robinson pray to god
18  cards

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