endocrinology phase 1b

This class was created by Brainscape user Comfort Oluwakoya. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

1b Hypopituitarism
What are the five anterior pituit...,
What is the purpose of hypothalam...,
What is primary disease in relati...
57  cards
1b Disorders of Vasopressin
What is the physiological action ...,
Which receptor does avp work through,
How does avp work as a vasoconstr...
46  cards
1b Pituitary Tumours
What is a functioning tumour of t...,
What is a functioning tumour of t...,
What is a functioning tumour of t...
39  cards
1b Hyperthyroidism
Where is the thyroxine stored,
Describe the hpt axis,
What level of tsh will you find a...
37  cards
1b Calcium Dysregulation
What are the two hormones which c...,
What are the three places in whic...,
What hormone acts to decrease ser...
49  cards
1b Adrenal Disorders
What hormones are produced in the...,
What are the corticosteroids,
What is the precursor for steroid...
73  cards
1b Infertility
What is infertility,
What is primary infertility,
What is secondary infertility
62  cards
1b Infertility Treatments
What are the symptoms of low test...,
What are the different options fo...,
What are the two safety monitorin...
47  cards
1b T1DM
What is t1dm,
What does the resultant hyperglyc...,
What are the triggers of type 1 d...
78  cards
1b T2DM
What is type 2 diabetes,
What is t2dm associated with,
How is the resultant hyperglycaem...
76  cards
1b Obesity
What is obesity,
What is the bmi range for obesity,
How do you calculate bmi
26  cards
1b Micro and Macro-Vascular Complications of Diabetes
What are the three main microvasc...,
What are the three main macrovasc...,
What is the target hba1c level to...
56  cards

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endocrinology phase 1b

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