This class was created by Brainscape user Dallyn Marsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Poisoning, Chemicals, and Medications
Nerve agents,
Anhydrous ammonia
9  cards
1 how long until spontaneous brea...,
1 lower left quadrant abdominal p...,
1 separation of placenta 2 pain i...
10  cards
Shock, Head Injuires and Stroke
Bleeding and fluid loss results i...,
Widespread dilation of blood vess...,
Slowly or gradually show symptoms...
8  cards
Pleural effusion
8  cards
Anytime fluid is in the lungs,
Best positions for airway management
11  cards
Chest pain,
Unconscious without spinal pelvic...,
Breathing issues
3  cards
Calculations and Operations
Incident management system,
Cardiac output
2  cards
Jvd narrowing pulse pressure muff...,
Pressure or heavy,
Lack of oxygen to the heart and c...
3  cards
Organ location and symptoms
Upper gi bleed,
Black tarry melena,
Upper right quadrant
6  cards
Vascular System and Nerves
Reduces surface tension of alveoli,
Sensory and motor,
5  cards
Paradoxical motion,
Subcutaneous emphysema spontaneou...,
Open book straddle and vertical s...
12  cards
Pulse and Arteries
1 carotid 2 radial 3 femoral,
Supply head and brain with blood,
Supplies blood to the upper extre...
5  cards
Respirations and Lung Sounds
Inter coastal muscles relax and a...,
Diaphragm contracts and moves sli...,
Abnormal breathing biot breathing
5  cards
Medical and Equipment
For stable upright patients,
To provide temporary stabilizatio...
10  cards
Full thickness burns that involve...,
Full thickness burns that involve...,
Full thickness burns that involve...
3  cards

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emt registry

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Looking for something else?

  • 10 decks
  • 503 flashcards
  • 3,459 learners
Decks: Component 1 Preliminary Emt, Component 2 Patient Assessment, Component 3 Airway Management Techniques, And more!
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