This class was created by Brainscape user Molly Hayward. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

lecture 1 - skin histology
What are the 3 key layers of the ...,
What are the 4 key functions of t...,
What type of tissue makes up the ...
50  cards
lecture 2 - lower limb bones/joints
What are the 4 regions of the low...,
What are the bones of the lower limb,
What bones make up the pelvis
109  cards
lecture 3 - lower limb muscles
What are the 5 key tissue layers ...,
What is the term for the deep fas...,
What is the structure of thickene...
175  cards
lecture 4 - lower limb nerves/vessels
What does the white matter of the...,
What does the grey matter of the ...,
What structures does the white ma...
134  cards
lecture 5 - neurons & nerves
What are the components of a neuron,
What is the name for the cell bod...,
What is the function of neuron de...
40  cards
lecture 6 - back & vertebral column
What are the 3 key functions of t...,
What are the 5 regional divisions...,
How many total vertebrae are ther...
86  cards
lecture 7 - local potentials & action potentials
What are local potentials,
What causes local potentials,
What are the 2 types of local pot...
22  cards
lecture 8 - synaptic transmission
How are action potentials regener...,
Why can action potentials only pr...,
Why does increasing axon diameter...
11  cards
lecture 9 - carpal tunnel syndrome
What sex has the highest prevalen...,
What is the main sneosry nerve of...,
What ligament in the wrist does t...
14  cards
lecture 10 - the spinal cord & autonomic nervous system
What are the components of the cns,
How many pairs of cranial nerves ...,
How many pairs of spinal nerves a...
61  cards
lecture 11 - neuromuscular junctions
What is the alternative name for ...,
How many neurons innervate a sing...,
How many muscle fibres does a sin...
31  cards
lecture 12 - cartilage histology
What are the 3 key components of ...,
What does the chondro suffix rela...,
What is subchondral bone
93  cards
lecture 13 - muscle performance
What type of fibre are type 1 mus...,
What are the features of type 1 m...,
What type of fibres are type iib ...
10  cards
lecture 14 - upper limb bones/joints
What are the functions of the upp...,
What are the bones of the shoulde...,
What bones are the shoulder girdl...
97  cards
lecture 15 - bone histology
What is a lacuna,
What is the outer layer of a bone...,
What parts of a bone is absent of...
60  cards
lecture 16 - shoulder/axilla muscles
What are the 3 regions of attache...,
What are the muscles between the ...,
What are the muscles between the ...
87  cards
lecture 17 - muscle histology
What are the 3 types of muscle,
What are the 2 types of striated ...,
What are the 2 types of involunta...
51  cards
lecture 18 - introduction to pain
What is nociception,
What is pain,
How long must be pain be experien...
7  cards
lecture 19 - nerve tissue histology
What are the histological feature...,
What are the organelle features o...,
What is the name for aggregations...
38  cards
lecture 20 - back pain & sciatica
What are some redflags to conside...,
What is sciatica,
Where does sciatica pain typicall...
11  cards
lecture 21 - arm & forearm muscles
What are the 2 compartments of th...,
What are the compartments of the ...,
What are the muscles of the anter...
70  cards
lecture 22 - hand muscles & upper limb blood supply
What tendon sheath surrounds each...,
What is the sheath that covers th...,
What are the extrinsic flexors of...
55  cards
lecture 23 - shoulder injuries
What are the 5 most common causes...,
What is the difference between cu...,
What are the two classifications ...
10  cards
lecture 24 - lower limb imaging
What are the 2 radiological parts...,
What position should a patient be...,
What is the key difference betwee...
3  cards
lecture 25 - upper limb nerves
What are the 2 nerves that branch...,
What nerve supplies the rhomboids...,
What nerve supplies serratus ante...
52  cards
lecture 26 - osteomyelitis case study
What bacteria most commonly cause...,
What are the 2 key symptoms of os...
2  cards
lecture 27 - spine imaging
Which nerve root will a central d...,
What nerve root will a lateral di...,
What are the 3 radiological divis...
6  cards
lecture 28 - upper limb imaging
What is the most common location ...,
What is a transverse fracture,
What is a linear fracture
13  cards

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elm2 - musculoskeletal

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