eduqas economics a2

This class was created by Brainscape user Alex Hall. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Start of year: Economies and diseconomies of scale, fixed and variable factors, MES, Profit levels.
What are fixed factors of production,
What are variable factors of prod...,
Explain the concept of diminishin...
18  cards
Market Structures (perfect and monpolistic competition)- Advantages, Disadvantages, Efficiency
What are the four measures of eco...,
Explain productive efficiency,
What is allocative efficiency
25  cards
Oligopoly to Monopoly: How to measure, Adv, Disadv, Price Discrimination, Collusion, Game theory, Kinked Demand Curve and Natural Monopoly
What is an oligopoly give examples,
How would you measure if a market...,
What are the characteristics of a...
28  cards
Macro: Inflation and unemployment
What is unemployment and how is i...,
What is the calculation for unemp...,
What are some causes of unemployment
47  cards
What is privatisation,
Define deregulation,
What is contracting out
9  cards
Aggregate demand and supply analysis
What is aggregate demand,
Why is the aggregate demand curve...,
What will the effects of a change...
11  cards
Define globalisation,
What are some effects of globalis...,
What are the factors that contrib...
7  cards
Comparative advantage (unfinished)
What does the theory of comparati...,
Why might one country be able to ...,
What are the 5 assumptions the th...
5  cards
Asset bubbles
What are the three types of asset...,
Explain what an asset bubble is,
Explain how the housing market is...
4  cards
Setting interest rates (Unfinished)
Who sets interest rates and how,
What is the objectives of control...,
What are the 7 main criteria the ...
4  cards

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eduqas economics a2

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