edexcel gcse weimar and nazi germany

This class was created by Brainscape user Valerie : ). Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

The Weimar Republic
What did the extreme left wing pa...,
What happened when coalitions dis...,
How did the first world war offic...
37  cards
Challenges from left and right outside the Reichstag and challenges of 1923
What caused the spartacist revolt,
What happened in the spartacist r...,
When did the spartacist revolt ha...
29  cards
The recovery of the Republic, 1924-29
What happened in august 1923 to t...,
What was stresemanns aim when com...,
How did stresemann end hyperinfla...
30  cards
Changes in society, 1924-29
Unemployment was a social problem...,
How much did unemployment improve...,
How was help for the unemployed i...
22  cards
Cultural changes
New objectivity,
14  cards
2.1 Early development of the Nazi party
Who founded the dap,
Timeline to hitlers early,
Who were selected to be hitlers p...
10  cards
Munich Putsch and the lean years, 1923-29
What year was the munich putsch,
What were the long term reasons f...,
What were the medium term reasons...
28  cards
2.3 Growth in Nazi support
What caused the wall street crash,
When was the wall street crash,
What happened to germany as a res...
25  cards
2.4 How Hitler became chancellor 1932-33
How many votes did hitler win in ...,
How many votes did hindenburg win...,
There was a re election in april ...
28  cards
3.1 The creation of dictatorship 1933-34
How was hitlers power as chancell...,
Who started the reichstag fire,
How many communists were arrested...
25  cards
3.2 the police state
What is a police state,
How did the nazi form a police state,
Why did hitler set up his own sec...
21  cards
Controlling religious views
Why did the church need to be con...,
What were the issues in regard to...,
How did hitler try to control the...
14  cards
3.3 Controlling and influencing attitudes
Why did hitler want to control an...,
Whats was joseph goebbels role in...,
How did joseph goebbels want his ...
32  cards
3.4 Opposition, resistance and conformity
Describe the high level of suppor...,
Why was the nazi party growing in...,
Why is hard to know how much oppo...
26  cards
4.1 Nazi policies towards women
What were the nazi views on women,
Who was the reich womens leader,
When was gertrud scholtz klink ap...
27  cards
4.2 Nazi policies towards the young
Why did the nazis make policies a...,
Describe four aims of nazi polici...,
What did the nazis think about ge...
25  cards
4.3 Nazi policies to reduce unemployment
What percentage of the labour for...,
What was reducing unemployment im...,
What were the unemployment figure...
27  cards
4.4 The persecution of minorities
Describe the intention behind naz...,
Whats the deal with eugenics,
Whats the deal with racial hygiene
9  cards
Describe 4 reasons why anti semit...,
Why were jews persecuted in germany,
Why did non jewish german people ...
15  cards
Economic Stresemenn formal assessments
What happened in august 1923 to t...,
What was stresemann s aim when co...,
How did stresemann end hyperinfla...
15  cards

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edexcel gcse weimar and nazi germany

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