edexcel a-level psychology - topic 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Ansh Bindroo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

The working memory model
Describe the features of the phon...,
Describe the features of the visu...,
Describe the features of the cent...
10  cards
Encoding, capacity, and duration (AO1)
Define encoding,
Define duration,
Define capacity
11  cards
The multi-store model of memory
What are the 4 features of the se...,
What are the 4 features of the st...,
What are the 5 features of the lt...
8  cards
Explanation of long-term memory – (Tulving, 1972)
Define the term semantic memory,
What are the 4 features of semant...,
Define the term episodic memory
9  cards
Reconstructive memory, including schema theory
Define schema,
What are the 4 qualities of,
Describe barlett s theory of reco...
10  cards
Individual differences in memory
Define individual differences,
What are the 4 individual differe...,
What are the 4 individual differe...
8  cards
Alzheimer's (AO1)
What is the prevalence and cost t...,
How does alzheimer s disease affe...,
How is validation therapy used to...
4  cards
Classic study - Baddeley (1966b)
What was the aim of baddeley s cl...,
What were the iv and dv of baddel...,
What was the methodology of badde...
12  cards
Contemporary study - Schmolck et al. (2002)
What is the aim of the schmolck 2...,
What was the iv dv experimental d...,
Who were the participants of the ...
15  cards
Key Question
What is the cognitive psychology ...,
What is an eyewitness testimony 2...,
What are the 3 ao1 points in your...
6  cards
Practical Investigation
What is the aim of your cognitive...,
What was the procedure of your co...,
What was the procedure of your co...
6  cards

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edexcel a-level psychology - topic 2

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