This class was created by Brainscape user Faith Woodruffe-Peacock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

1.1 Tectonic processes and hazards
Define hazard,
Define intra plate earthquakes,
Define inter plate earthquakes
163  cards
1.1 Case studies
Indian ocean tsunami 2004 descrip...,
Indian ocean tsunami 2004 causes,
Indian ocean tsunami 2004 social ...
29  cards
1.2 Coastal landscapes and change
Is the coast and open or closed s...,
Describe sediment cells 5,
Define dynamic equilibrium
166  cards
1.2 Case studies
Location of hemsby,
Issues in hemsby,
How have people in hemsby responded
36  cards
1.3 The water cycle and water insecurity
What of the world s water do ocea...,
What of the world s water is fres...,
Of the freshwater how much is sto...
146  cards
1.3 Case studies
How has human activity increased ...,
How has human activity increased ...,
Sahel drought 2012 location
38  cards
1.4 The carbon cycle and energy security
What is the natural carbon cycle,
Where is inorganic carbon found,
139  cards
1.4 Case studies
Describe opec,
What proportion of the world s fo...,
Describe the 1973 opec oil embargo
22  cards
2.1 Globalisation
Define globalisation,
Economic causes for accelerating ...,
Political causes for accelerating...
128  cards
2.1 Case studies
How did joining the wto affect pa...,
Gains from ghana s role in cocoa ...,
Losses from ghana s role in cocoa...
46  cards
2.2 Diverse places
What does the demographic transit...,
Describe stage 1 of the demograph...,
Describe stage 2 of the demograph...
61  cards
2.2 Case studies
North of england economic growth,
Reasons for rapid population grow...,
Reasons for slow population growt...
44  cards
2.3 Superpowers
Define superpower,
What are the four pillars of supe...,
Describe economic super power status
114  cards
2.3 Case studies
Who owns the arctic 3,
Political and military tensions o...,
Why are countries interested in t...
9  cards
2.4 Health, human rights, and intervention
Indicators of development 4,
What does gdp per capita tell us ...,
82  cards
2.4 Case studies
Irish aid ethiopia description 4,
Irish aid ethiopia impacts,
Why is the niger delta important
45  cards

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edexcel a-level geography

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