eddie's history

This class was created by Brainscape user Penelope Haddon. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

History - Facts
How many people died or were woun...,
How many people died in ww2,
Where and when was the first demo...
38  cards
Define empires,
Essay plan for why do empires form,
What are the 3 objectives of empi...
26  cards
Why is William the Conqueror worth remembering?
How strong was williams claim to ...,
How did williams army differ to h...,
What big advantage did harold hav...
33  cards
Compare William and Henry / 2 rulers
Good introduction to compare 2 ru...,
Who was williams father,
When did williams father die
25  cards
Why are objects a useful source of historical evidence?
Define objects,
What two types of history are obj...,
What are the limitations of objec...
20  cards
French Revolution
Suggested essay plan for explain ...,
Suggested introduction,
How was society organised before ...
13  cards
Are wars always bad?
Essay plan
1  cards
Henry VII
Essay plan for assess the career ...,
Introduction paragraph for assess...,
Where did henry land in britain t...
19  cards
Industrial revolution
What does the term industrialist ...,
Who first used the phrase industr...,
Is revolution really the right wo...
19  cards
Why is it important to study religion in history?
0  cards
Are dictatorships always bad?
Essay plan
1  cards
Is democracy always the best form of government?
Essay plan
1  cards
Russian Revolution
Describe the power of the tsar in...,
Why were the russian people frust...,
What specific reason caused the n...
17  cards

More about
eddie's history

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