This class was created by Brainscape user Noah Kirby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

1. Data in Econometrics
What is econometrics,
What is experimental data,
What is non experimental data
24  cards
2. OLS - The simple regression model
25  cards
2. Goodness of fit
What are the three measures of va...,
What does,
What does the explained sum of sq...
42  cards
3. MLR - Estimation
What are the advantages of a mult...,
What are slope parameters,
How do the methods used change fo...
47  cards
4. MRA - Inference
What is the normality assumption,
What are the classical linear mod...,
What are the ols assumptions know...
28  cards
6. MRA Further issues
What are quadratic functions used...,
When the coefficient on x is posi...,
How can you find the turning poin...
19  cards
7. MRA with qualitative information
We will describe how binary (dummy) variables can be used in cross-sectional regression analysis, including creating interactions among qualitative variables and between qualitative and quantitative variables to allow even further flexibility in our models. Finally we will briefly discuss the case where the dependent variable is binary (Linear Probability Model) [Lecture 7]
11  cards
8. Heteroskedasticity
What does homoskedasticity mean,
Why is the variance so important,
Why is the homoskedasticity hard ...
15  cards
9. Misspecification and data issues
When mlr4 holds what do we say ab...,
When do we call our explanatory v...,
Why is mlr4 zero conditional mean...
26  cards
10. Time series
What is the fundamental differenc...,
What is time series data,
What are some of the typical feat...
15  cards

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econometric analysis

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