This class was created by Brainscape user Óscar Albano. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

How long does a pivot take to fin...,
How much water should come out of...,
Where is the end gung of a pivot
7  cards
What do you use in a organic fert...,
How do we mix the organic fertilizer,
How much of organic fertilizer do...
8  cards
What are the materials the you ne...,
How much do we use of each materi...,
How many buckets of each do we ne...
15  cards
What stages does sugar cane go th...,
How much sugarcane goes into the ...,
How much is made into sugar
5  cards
What work are you doing for what ...,
What machines does the farm use a...,
What does the workshop use everyday
3  cards
Compost Tea
Why is a clean tank important,
Why do we make compost tea,
What do we want to see in compost...
4  cards
Field Work
What task is being done in the fi...,
How many tasks are done each week,
How many people are working
6  cards
What animals do we keep,
What breeds of cows do you see on...,
How many of each type do we have
4  cards
Agri Meeting
Why are meeting like this important,
What topics are being discussed,
What decisions were made
3  cards
How is the farm organized,
What is the area of sugarcane,
What else is being cultivated
6  cards
1 imagine you have been asked to ...,
1 imagine you have been asked to ...,
1 imagine you have been asked to ...
8  cards
What type of earthworm do we have,
What is the benefit of worm compo...,
How much can an earthworm eat in ...
6  cards

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