ec2199 world economy

This class was created by Brainscape user Polar Mish. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Industrial revolution,
5  cards
Important Economic Concepts
Catch up and social capability,
Comparative advantage,
32  cards
The Industrial Revolution
What is the term industrial revou...,
What are the economic changes bro...
28  cards
Demographic Regimes
Important data,
What is demography,
Why is demography important for e...
19  cards
Technology, Innovation and Systems of Production
Important data,
What is technology,
Examples of technology
23  cards
Integration of the world economy
Important data,
What is the historical narrative ...,
What is the theoretical considera...
8  cards
Catching up, Forging Ahead and Falling Behind
Important data,
What is the concept of catch up g...,
How does catch up growth work
19  cards
WW2 havent [[Economics of The World Wars
Why does economic size of country...,
Important data wwi data,
What is world war
13  cards
Women & Economic History
Important sources,
When have women s economic involv...
12  cards
Development under Communism: Russia & Eastern Europe
Important data,
Relevant economic theory
15  cards
[[The Gold Standard and the Development of the International Monetary Standard
What is the gold standard,
What is the role of capital flows...,
What is the system of multilatera...
17  cards
[[The Great Depression
What was the role of gold standar...,
Why did the economic crisis persi...,
What was the role of monetary pol...
13  cards
[[The Import Substitution Industrialisation n Economic Growth in Latin America
What is the import substitution i...,
Why was the isi strategy adopted ...
15  cards
[[Export Promotion & Development Strategies of Japan and The East Asian Tigers
Who are the east asian tigers,
What are export promotion strategies
19  cards
China haven't[[New Economic Powers: China & India
Similarity of india and china,
What attributed to india s slow e...,
Why has india grown
11  cards
[[Economy & The Environment
What is the role of the environme...,
What is the natural capital theory
14  cards
!!The Future of Economics
0  cards
Proper Categorisation
Long run economic history from th...,
Industrial revolution,
Industrial revolution 20
8  cards

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ec2199 world economy

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