early/later life of jesus

This class was created by Brainscape user Jeremy Nimer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Who Was Jesus/Land Of Palestine
What three fruits grew in jerusalem,
What was the main mode of transpo...,
Why was the dead sea called the d...
7  cards
The Temple
Who build the temple,
What was the temple used as,
What happened in 587 bc
7  cards
Key Jewish Leaders
What was a rabbi,
What was the high priest,
What was the sanhedrin
3  cards
Daily Life And Romans
What 6 things did a woman have to...,
What was a common disease back in...,
What was the sabbath
5  cards
Jewish Groups And Messiah
Who was the messiah,
What was a pharisee and what did ...,
What were the zealots and what we...
5  cards
The Gospels And Authors
What were the first gospels known as,
What did syn and optic mea,
Why was the gospels wrote so late...
5  cards
The importance Of Mary
Why do we call mary the immaculat...,
What do catholics believe mary wa...,
What is the importance of mary
3  cards
What is the annunciation,
What is the story of the annuncia...
2  cards
The Birth Of Jesus
What was matthews book mainly foc...,
Where was jesus born,
What three gifts did the magi give
5  cards
The Magi
Who were the magi,
What is the epiphany,
What did gold represent
6  cards
Jesus Lost In The Temple
How old was jesus when his parent...,
Where was jesus eventually found,
Why is this story important
3  cards
Jesus Baptism
Who were the jewish waiting for,
Who did god promise,
What was the job of the messenger
6  cards
What does trinity mean,
What were the three symbols,
Who taught about the trinity
4  cards
What Happened To The 12 Apostles
What did jesus do before he left ...,
What was the mission
2  cards
The Call Of The Disciples
What is the difference between di...,
What is potential,
How did jesus pick the first five...
5  cards
Mission Os Jesus Disciples
What is a mission hint not an act...,
What what jesus intention when he...,
When jesus sent all his disciples...
3  cards
What happened when jesus was tran...,
Define transfiguration
3  cards

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early/later life of jesus

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