This class was created by Brainscape user Chelsea Brigham. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Exam 1: Weeks 1 and 2
41  cards
Exam 1 Objectives: Intro, Toxicokinetics, and Household Toxins
Intro to clinical toxicology, toxicokinetics, and household industrial toxins
31  cards
Exam 1 Practice Questions
What is the largest barrier to in...,
What are some factors to intestin...,
Toxicokineticsdefine distribution
8  cards
Exam 1 Objectives: Pharmaceuticals and Respiratory Toxins
Pharmaceuticals objectives,
Pharmaceuticals objectives,
Pharmaceuticals objectives
24  cards
Exam 2: Nitrate and Cyanide Poisoning
What are common plants associated...,
What is the mechanism of action f...,
What are clinical signs for nitra...
11  cards
Exam 2: Larkspur, Water Hemlock, Death Camas, Cardiotoxins, Lectins
Larkspur be able to identify plan...,
Water hemlock identify plant toxi...,
Death camas identify plant toxin ...
9  cards
Exam 2: Nephrotoxins and plants affecting the musculoskeletal system
Oxalate poisoning familiarize you...,
What is the moa of oxalate poisoning,
What are primary clinical diagnos...
18  cards
Exam 2: Plants affecting the liver and integument
Know the 3 major categories of ph...,
What are clinical signs of photos...,
14  cards
Exam 2: Hemoglobinuria, hematuria, and neurotoxins
Know the mechanism of action of p...,
Why are cats more susceptible to ...,
Onion poisoning toxin moa clinica...
18  cards
Exam 2: Neurotoxins and Toxicants Associated with Reproductive failure, identifying plant poisonings
1  cards
Exam 3: Pesticides Part I & II
Moa exposure and treatment option...,
Moa exposure toxicity and treatme...,
Moa exposure toxicity and treatme...
14  cards
Exam 3: Herbicides & Fungicides
What are the most likely mechanis...,
What are the differences between ...
2  cards
Exam 4: Metals I & II
What role do metals play in biology,
Where are thiols found in biomole...,
What is metallothionein and what ...
16  cards
Exam 4: Envenomations: Reptiles, Spiders, and Bugs
Most snake bites are from what gr...,
Is coral snake toxin primarily ne...,
Why should a dog potentially bitt...
14  cards
Exam 4: Biotoxins, Mycotoxins
Why is aflatoxin toxicosis primar...,
Why are ruminants relatively immu...,
What toxicities are associated wi...
19  cards
Exam 4: Feed and Water Contaminants
What are the sources of food cont...,
Why is melamine relatively non to...,
What major subclass of ionophore ...
16  cards

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fall 23: dvm 722 toxicology

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