This class was created by Brainscape user o o. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: o o

Decks in this class (31)

New and emerging technologies
What is automation,
Advantages of automation,
Disadvantages of robots in automa...
39  cards
New and emerging technologies
What is mass market,
How can the specific needs of cer...,
How can a product be designed so ...
27  cards
Energy generation and storage
What are fossil fuels an example of,
What are the 3 fossil fuels,
How does coal produce electricity
30  cards
Developments in new materials
What is a modern material,
Examples of modern materials,
Properties of graphene
39  cards
Systems approach to design
Function of input devices,
Examples of input devices,
What do input processors do
18  cards
Mechanical devices
What is linear movement,
Rotary movement,
Reciprocating movement
31  cards
Mechanical devices
How do circular cams work,
Where are circular cams used,
How do pear cams work
18  cards
Material categories and properties
What are physical properties,
Examples of physical properties,
What is absorbency
56  cards
Material categories and properties - polymers and textiles
What are thermoforming polymers,
Examples of thermoforming plastics,
Properties and uses of acrylic
43  cards
Paper and Board
What questions should be asked wh...,
What are paper and boards used for,
Selection criteria for paper and ...
51  cards
Timber based material
What is chipboard,
What is mdf,
How is plywood made
32  cards
What are stock forms,
Examples of stock forms,
How can polymers be fixed
22  cards
How are metals made
1  cards
What does a system contain,
Example of how a bicycle works us...,
What are circuits made of
35  cards
Material production
What is lamination,
Examples of when laminations used...,
What are interfacings
43  cards
more production stuff
What are production aids,
What is a reference point,
What is a datum point
47  cards
production of material 3
What are fibres,
How are synthetic fibres made,
Why can obtaining timber lead to ...
6  cards
Properties of paper and board
What is flexibility and rigidity ...,
Why is strength and weight a usef...,
Why should toxicity and sustainab...
55  cards
more on paper and wood
What are finishes used for,
What is laminating,
Laminating uses and pros and cons
23  cards
stock forms and standard components
What forms are timber available in,
Features of different forms of ti...,
Why are metals commonly available...
19  cards
shaping material
Different types of saws and their...,
Tips when using a saw,
Features of chisels
10  cards
shaping materials - power and machine tools
What safety measures need to be t...,
What do rcds do,
Features of hand held routers
13  cards
shaping techniques
Features of milling machines,
Features of lathes,
Features of 3d printing
19  cards
treatments and finishes
What needs to happen to wood befo...,
Why is it a good idea to apply a ...,
Before painting wood needs to be ...
12  cards
What is is sportswear usually mad...,
What are furnishings usually,
What is flame retardance
48  cards
What is printing,
Why are materials with tight weav...,
How can you make your own printin...
11  cards
Elwctronica and mechanical systems
What are mechanical systems made ...,
Motor vehicles components,
Why is aluminium better than usin...
35  cards
Designing and making
Yinka illori,
Vivienne westwood,
Norman foster
34  cards
More design and making
What are design strategies used for,
What is a systems approach,
What is user centred design
24  cards
Drawing techniques
What does free hand mean,
Advantages of using freehand,
What does perspective drawing do
18  cards
last few topics🥳
What is a manufacturing specifica...,
What must a manufacturing specifi...,
What are spreadsheets and working...
31  cards

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dt gcse aqa

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